Thursday June 11 - A Day of Adventure

Drama team

After a restful (for some!) night in Mwanza, Malawi, we crossed the border into Mozambique! Our first stop was the District Commissioner's office in Zobue. The DC works closely with Nedson and Sebber to help plan where schools, wells and clinics will be built. The DC's boss drove four hours from Tete City to join us for the 8:00am meeting. They were most grateful for all the help from our holistic evangelism project. It has had significant impact in the district. In fact, the government has drilled six wells for villages this year and the Tete Project has drilled seven!

After a hearty second breakfast (you can't say no – it would be rude!), we headed off for the village of Canhungue where we were met at the main road by several hundred very excited students. They ran alongside our vehicles as we drove up to the school. The school was built in the last year by the Holistic Evangelism project. Previously the children had literally been meeting under a huge shade tree. We were treated to a drama program performed by the project's drama team. They performed a very effective play about HIV/AIDS. The kids enjoyed the humor but they got the message. It was a joy to sit with them, watch their faces and pray for their lives ahead. 


We left the school and embarked upon one of the bumpiest roads you could ever imagine. In fact, you probably couldn't imagine it!  We drove our van along single lane paths, dried river beds and grass as high as the van. Through the rocks and ruts, we came upon perhaps the most remote of the 75 Tete project churches we've built. But, remote or not, we were greeted by a joyful singing and clapping crowd at the Chachiti Church. We literally danced our way into the small brick church. Inside, we heard some of the best African harmony ever. It wasn't just harmony. Dancing was an integral part of this most special time together. As we danced, sang and clapped, we knew the Holy Spirit was there with us. 

They sent us off with more singing, and we were sad to say "ndapita" (goodbye). After more bouncing and a stop for a bush lunch of peanut butter and homemade guava jelly sandwiches, we made it to Tete City and our hotel – all the more richer for what God showed us through His people here in Tete Province. 

We're all doing well, just a bit frustrated in not being able to communicate with you. But wait for the stories when we get back!

Blessings from the Team