
From the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo 


When ETSC launched its online distance learning program, no one imagined what far-reaching consequences would flow from this decision. The original goal was to make theological education available to students unable to travel to Cairo. It has certainly accomplished that goal, as a significant number of students take courses online. In the face of the coronavirus crisis, Dr. Hani Hanna, Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, now describes the move as prophetic and gives thanks to God that the Seminary acted in faith to provide this learning platform. “We acted in faith in response to the church’s need. We stand open to the Lord’s guidance as we learn to discern the signs of times,” he said. The use of the electronic platform currently enables ETSC students of all programs to continue their studies online allowing faculty and students to remain with their families and to practice social distancing. 


We unite to face a most challenging time. Virtually every country has been stricken with the coronavirus. Its impact is being felt physically, economically and psychologically. The faculty, staff, and students of the Evangelical Theological Seminary invite you to join them in prayer for our world. Please join us in prayer for the following requests:   

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