
From Musalaha Executive Director — Dr. Salim J. Munayer 

As we are approaching the most important holidays in our context here in Jerusalem, namely Passover for Jews, Easter for Christians and Ramadan for Muslims, we are questioning how we will celebrate these important occasions. The coronavirus outbreak is affecting us all regardless of our ethnic and religious background. This is especially challenging since all three holidays are celebrated in a communal manner and over shared meals. Coming together as families and friends is an integral part of the holidays. This is particularly true for us Christians living in Jerusalem as the Church of the Resurrection (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) is closed; only the third time in the Church’s history.

It is also hard for many of us on a personal note. Many of our elderly parents are confined in their homes and are unable to go out. They are completely isolated with no human interaction. They are truly experiencing loneliness. My mother, for example, is suffering from this in particular as she prides herself in taking care of and feeding the family and all the grandchildren. In addition, my father-in-law is all alone and lacks in any human interaction, making him feel lonely. This is very hard on him as he is used to be very active and social.     

What makes this virus distinctive is that unlike other events in our recent history, it severely damages our social interaction. It is in our human nature to want and need face to face gatherings, talking to each other, having physical touch and eating together.

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