
From J.C. Pezini:

Hello friends, I hope you are all well, enjoying the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe you have been following the news about the pandemic here in Brazil. We can say that Brazil is the epicenter of the Latin American pandemic. It is true that the death figures are concentrated in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Manaus. In the other states there are deaths by COVID-19, but not as much as in the three big cities I mentioned above.

What has caught my attention in this time of pandemic is the generosity of the Brazilian people. Many businessmen have concentrated their efforts by offering numerous basic baskets to help a large number of people who are in need because they lost their jobs. There is already talk of almost fifty million unemployed people, whose children don't have food to eat. It is very sad to see the daily news talking about the struggle of these parents.

The different denominations have also mobilized and done humanitarian aid work in a fantastic way. Many local congregations have placed food in front of the temples to help those who pass daily in search of help.

IPIB, with the project “all together in Mission”, continues to raise funds to reach the target of fifty thousand dollars to help those in need.

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Shepherd Society - Bethlehem Bible College

From the Shepherd Society - Bethlehem Bible College:

Dearest friend,

May fourth marked the 60th day of lockdown in the Bethlehem district. Though the situation regarding the virus is improving, the Palestinian Authority just declared another month of emergency precautions lasting until June 5.

Bethlehem Bible College is in its second week of being partially open. A small staff is working from the office four hours a day, three days a week. Even this small effort is making a difference. Our spirits are high and we are excited to be serving again.

During the lockdown we received many requests for food and financial help from people around town who were immediately impacted by the lockdown because they live from day to day on what they earn. We also received many calls from previous and current beneficiaries just checking on us during this tough quarantine. That really touched us. This shows us the depth of the genuine loving relationship that has been developed between us and that stands on its own apart from the material support that we can offer.

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East Africa

from Frank Dimmock


Globally, as of 10:00 AM CEST, (5/4) there have been 3,435,894 confirmed cases and 239,604 deaths

Globally (as of 4/26 – 8 days ago) there were 2,804,796 confirmed cases and 193,722 deaths

In Africa, as of 5/4, there have been 47,131 confirmed cases and 1,845 deaths. Both of these numbers are likely gross underestimations as testing has been inadequate and deaths are generally reported from some health facilities.


On April 8, Ethiopia declared a national State of Emergency for a period of 5 months, to try and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Details included: no gatherings of more than 4 people, enforced social distancing, closure of all borders, and the postponement of general elections that were scheduled for August 2020. As of Mar 3rd, Ethiopia had 140 confirmed cases and 3 deaths from COVID-19. No cases have been reported from the refugee population and their host communities.

They are also challenged by food shortages resulting from drought, flash floods, and an infestation of desert locusts. This is now the second wave of locusts in the region. Efforts to combat the locusts have been delayed due to the delivery of pesticides and the availability of helicopters. Movement restrictions have affected the supply chain and the ability of NGOs to assist in control activities. Regional flooding is promoting the breeding of locusts leading to new swarms in June and July, coinciding with the harvest season in southern Ethiopia and Kenya.

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The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB), represented by the moderator of his General Assembly, the Rev. João Luiz Furtado, wants to express profound acknowledgment for the donation of $4000 to be used for the development of some projects of great relevance to the kingdom of God and our mission in our country.

The world is living in times of calamity. There is a crescent expectation that, in the next months, a strong crisis in the economy will affect all the sectors of our society all over the planet. With the church, it will not be different, especially with the pastors and missionaries that make their living from the offering of the local churches.

Worried about this situation, the IPIB is developing just now some actions to minimize the impacts of the crisis and, at the same time, to strengthen the projects of plantation and revitalization of churches that are in progress in our denomination.

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The Outreach Foundation


These days, everyone is trying to establish dominion over the COVID-19 virus. That makes perfect sense. We were literally made by God to do that. In Genesis 1 we read, “Let us make men and women in our image, in our likeness, and let them have dominion over all the earth...and over all the creatures...including viruses.” I added the last two words. We can argue about our effectiveness and methods for accomplishing this task, but clearly, we were designed to rule over God’s creation.

A few lines later, in Genesis 2, we read that God brought every living creature to Adam to see what he would name them. The human vocation to identify and name continues to this day. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses recently declared “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2) as the official name of a new virus. But the World Health Organization and CDC refer to this virus as COVID-19 when communicating with the public. Why remove “SARS” from the name? On its website, the World Health Organization states that it does not use the official name because using the name SARS can create unnecessary fear for the people who remember the horrific effects of the SARS outbreak in 2003.

So, the name “COVID-19” itself has an element of fear. The truth is palpable fear exists in our efforts to rein it in.

The Bible has something to say about both names and fear. As the human race works to not just survive but flourish in the face of this new viral challenge, Jesus calls himself the good shepherd who brings life in all of its fullness for his sheep. His sheep know his voice, and the shepherd calls his own sheep by name.

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The Outreach Foundation
Tete Province, Mozambique

Dear Friends of Tete Province,

I want to give you an update on our Holistic Evangelism Project in Tete Province, Mozambique. The government of Mozambique has instituted social distancing and mitigation efforts to try and prevent widespread COVID-19 infection. At this point, there are very few reported cases in the country, but there has been very little testing. I am happy to report that Sebber Banda, Outreach missionary to Mozambique, and her family are well. Her children, Adam and Nancy, are with her at her home in Blantyre, Malawi. This is the first time the three have been together for an extended period in quite some time, and Sebber is thrilled to have them at home. We are very grateful for their health and safety.

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The Outreach Foundation

From Stu and Annie Ross, East Africa Mission Consultants for Outreach

The Coronavirus pandemic is gripping Kenya as it is also crippling the United States. There are some big differences comparing the two countries.

In Kenya, communications are not as good as here. Only 50% of Kenyans have internet. So many people in Kenya are not getting all the information needed. Also, statistics on the pandemic are not very reliable.

Food distribution is a severe problem and people are starving because of the virus. In Kibera, several days ago there were a stampede as an NGO was distributing food. “It’s food we are coming for, we are not dying from the virus but hunger.” After that riot, the government said there will be no more food distribution unless it goes through the government. Large food markets have been closed so farmers do not have a good way of getting food to the final consumer.

As of this date, there have been 234 identified Coronavirus cases and 11 deaths. There hasn’t been a lot of testing. But Kenya has just received 20,000 test kits from the WHO. They will start testing all front-line healthcare workers who have been exposed to the virus. Testing will start ramping up. The encouraging thing in Kenya is that the numbers are only moving up slowly, a handful each day.

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The Outreach Foundation

From Rev Dr Pascal Bataringaya, President, Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please do receive our greetings in Jesus’ name our Lord and Savior.

The COVID-19 which started in China in the end of 2019 continues to spread worldwide. The first case has been confirmed in Rwanda on 14 March 2020 and today 113 people are tested positive and infected but many others are isolated for being in contact with those who are infected. To stop the outbreak of the virus the Government of Rwanda has applied precautionary measures including avoid mass gatherings like Sunday services, physical meetings, all services and offices as well as the closure of all schools. People are staying in their respective homes. These measures have affected the activities at all levels and life in the country in general and in the church in particular, especially the life of poor people, people with disabilities, the elderly and others who are living of their remuneration after daily work which means that no work no payment. The Government of Rwanda has started to distribute food to poor people in their homes. Alongside the advocacy, the EPR has done its best with the limited means to help and assist the people, but still, the need is big.

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The Outreach Foundation
East Africa


By Frank Dimmock (Africa Mission Specialist – The Outreach Foundation)

As I write this, on April 9th, 51 of the 54 African countries have reported cases of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. South Sudan became the 51st country on Sunday, April 5, to identify a case. Many of the initial African cases were ‘imported’ by visitors from Europe and the Middle East to South Africa, Nigeria, and Rwanda.

Steps have been taken by Governments to close land and air borders to people, allowing only freight shipments.

Social Distancing and hygiene measures, based on Public Health guidance, have been implemented, non-essential services have been closed and curfews initiated.

The health systems in most Sub-Saharan African countries are not equipped to handle this pandemic. For example, Kenya has 14 general hospital beds per 10,000 population and Ethiopia has 3.

Many people in East Africa are living in informal settlements (slums), such as: in Nairobi, Ethiopia, Uganda, and DRC. These informal settlements are characterized by poor quality and dense housing and limited basic services – utilities, water, and sanitation. In these cases, social distancing, isolation of cases and contact tracing are almost impossible.

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The Outreach Foundation
Good Friday Message from China

Dear friends in the US,

Greetings in the Lord!

Today is the day we commemorate the suffering death of our Lord on the cross. When Jesus was arrested and crucified, disciples were scattered and hid indoors, fearing for their own lives. As the virus is still spreading in the US, disrupting your life and destroying many lives, you may have to stay at home and do the social distancing. Regular church gatherings may not be allowed at present. It is undoubtedly sad and disappointing. Even though we in China have resumed to the normalcy, churches still have not been allowed to reopen yet.

Please take care and be strong. Remember that you are in our thoughts and prayers, just as we were in yours when we were in our darkest moment of this Coronavirus disaster two months ago. Furthermore, we all know that we have a message of hope and victory. We have a risen Lord. He died, and he rose from death. Literally, he is the first man to come out of lockdown when the tombstone was rolled away on the third day. Death cannot hold the Author of life in its power. In Him, we have the blessed assurance and everlasting peace.

May God protect and guide you.

Pastor Chris,

Jiangsu Province of China

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The Outreach Foundation

From the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo


When ETSC launched its online distance learning program, no one imagined what far-reaching consequences would flow from this decision. The original goal was to make theological education available to students unable to travel to Cairo. It has certainly accomplished that goal, as a significant number of students take courses online. In the face of the coronavirus crisis, Dr. Hani Hanna, Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic Theology, now describes the move as prophetic and gives thanks to God that the Seminary acted in faith to provide this learning platform. “We acted in faith in response to the church’s need. We stand open to the Lord’s guidance as we learn to discern the signs of times,” he said. The use of the electronic platform currently enables ETSC students of all programs to continue their studies online allowing faculty and students to remain with their families and to practice social distancing.


We unite to face a most challenging time. Virtually every country has been stricken with the coronavirus. Its impact is being felt physically, economically and psychologically. The faculty, staff, and students of the Evangelical Theological Seminary invite you to join them in prayer for our world. Please join us in prayer for the following requests:

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From Musalaha Executive Director — Dr. Salim J. Munayer

As we are approaching the most important holidays in our context here in Jerusalem, namely Passover for Jews, Easter for Christians and Ramadan for Muslims, we are questioning how we will celebrate these important occasions. The coronavirus outbreak is affecting us all regardless of our ethnic and religious background. This is especially challenging since all three holidays are celebrated in a communal manner and over shared meals. Coming together as families and friends is an integral part of the holidays. This is particularly true for us Christians living in Jerusalem as the Church of the Resurrection (Church of the Holy Sepulchre) is closed; only the third time in the Church’s history.

It is also hard for many of us on a personal note. Many of our elderly parents are confined in their homes and are unable to go out. They are completely isolated with no human interaction. They are truly experiencing loneliness. My mother, for example, is suffering from this in particular as she prides herself in taking care of and feeding the family and all the grandchildren. In addition, my father-in-law is all alone and lacks in any human interaction, making him feel lonely. This is very hard on him as he is used to be very active and social.

What makes this virus distinctive is that unlike other events in our recent history, it severely damages our social interaction. It is in our human nature to want and need face to face gatherings, talking to each other, having physical touch and eating together.

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South Sudan

From Nile Theological College:

Dear partners,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we all are aware of the effects of Corona Virus on our lives and as I earlier notified you about how it has affected our operations as an institution among others, now I would like to update you on the latest developments so that you would know how to assist us in prayers and whatever other ways. Yesterday on Palm Sunday, the first Corona Positive case in South Sudan was announced by the government. According to the announcement, the patient is a young woman from the Netherlands working with UNIMISS (United Nations Mission in South Sudan) and who has entered South Sudan more than a month ago on 28 February 2020. UNIMMISS, where she works, hosts POCs (Protection of Civilian Cites/Camps) which are the most congested areas in the country. Hence come the fears that if Corona Virus spreads there it will spread quickly and widely. Thus it will affect many people including outside the camps. Therefore, let's pray for God's protection of the people living in the camps and people of South Sudan in General. Other issues that need prayer as well are the spread of desert locust swarms which have already damaged the little agriculture produces in some areas and the rise of the market prices which are beyond the capacity of the majority of South Sudanese citizens. Your prayers and assistance in whatever ways will be highly appreciated. May God help us in the fight of Corona Virus and other evils which make life difficult for God's children worldwide at this time. May God bless you all.

Thank you very much.

Rev. Santino Odong Othol Principal, Nile Theological College Juba, South Sudan

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From Rev. João Luiz Furtado, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil


The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, a religious organization founded in 1903, a legitimate branch of the Protestant Reformation of the XVI century, with a wide legacy in mission, currently counting with 769 temples all over the national territory, congregating a contingent of about 100.000 members, under the leadership of 993 pastors and 65 missionaries, took the following posture in view of the serious crises promoted by the new coronavirus affecting both Brazil and the entire world:

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From the Rev. Dr. Jose’ Pezini, TOF Mission Specialist to Brazil

Dear friends, greetings from Brazil!

As you know, like other countries, Brazil is dealing with Coronavirus too. However, it is not as bad here as in the USA or other countries. So far there are only 201 deaths and less than 4000 infected.

Even so, the Government decided to keep everything closed, only supermarkets, hospitals and pharmacies are allowed to operate. This means that we are not suffering like other countries with so many deaths, but at the end of all this, the result will bring a recession to the country. The country will certainly cope with a very high unemployment rate, many small businesses will close, and many people will suffer the consequences. May the Lord have mercy on us.

The biggest problems facing now are with a large number of small church pastors. Because services are not being held, financial contributions have decreased by an average of 60% and so these churches are unable to pay pastors' wages. The Independent Presbyterian Church, which is our partner in Brazil, and where more than 80% of its congregations have less than 100 members, is, therefore, suffering much in this moment.

I would like to ask you to pray for these pastors and their congregations. Our ministry has been to pray for them and mentor them to encourage them through the internet.

May the Sovereign Lord of the universe have mercy on us all.

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Bethlehem Bible College

By Daniel Bannoura, Lecturer of Islamic Studies and Comparative Religion at Bethlehem Bible College

At the beginning of March, my father was infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, and soon afterward my mother and I caught the virus from my father. Fortunately, the three of us only had mild symptoms of the virus, like fever, headache, and dry cough. That lasted for a couple of days and our health was restored to us quickly.

Currently, all three of us are staying in isolation at a Christian hostel in the town of Beit Jala (northwest of Bethlehem). We have carried the virus for the last 2-3 weeks, and last time we got tested, the results came negative for my father (as in, he is fully recovered), yet my mother and I still tested positive, although the doctors noted that the virus was almost out of our bodies. Hopefully, within a few days, we three will all test negative and will be able to go home, where we will remain in quarantine until the virus is completely eradicated from the Bethlehem area, and a sense of normalcy is restored.

Through all of this, God’s healing power and wisdom have been evident to me. The silver lining of this period of isolation is that suddenly we have time for reflection that we did not have before. Here I am reminded of the history of Christianity where the church has stepped up during times of strife and pandemics to feed the poor and care for the afflicted. May this new pandemic be a reminder for us all to step in and be a beacon of hope and joy for those who suffer, in Italy, Iran, the USA, and all over the world. May we be known during these times for our prayers and care for all of God’s creation.

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From Dr Tharwat Wahba, Professor of Missions at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo and Chairman of Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council, (POMC)

Dear Egyptian church friends and partners,

Peace in Christ

Hope all of you are doing fine with your loved ones through COVID-19 pandemic. We pray for God’s protection and mercy to everyone. And “Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing”, (Isaiah 40:26) NIV, this is our trust in His word as we are in His mighty hands.

In Egypt we are trying to adjust with this new challenge. The Egyptian government is doing great efforts to protect people by putting tough measures trying to limit the spread of the virus. Schools, universities, cafes, and restaurants are closed. Malls and shops are working till 6:00 pm, from Sunday to Thursday and completely closed on Fridays and Saturdays. We are in curfew from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm, all public transportation stops through these hours.

However, we can also see many benefits from slowing down and enjoying our families, come close to God asking for His mercy.

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South Sudan

From Bob and Kristi Rice:

Greetings to you in the name of Christ our Savior! We want to send you a quick update on our current situation. In light of the current global Coronavirus pandemic, Presbyterian World Mission requested all mission co-workers to return to the U.S. We had prepared to 'shelter-in-place' in Juba, but realized that with the uncertain future and border closings it might be good to return. We made quick plans and left Juba on Sunday to return to the U.S. We are self-isolating for a couple of weeks as a precaution in case we picked up anything while traveling, and then will be staying in IL until we can return to Juba.

It was very hard to leave! We had returned to Juba in January and were so glad to be home, then being uprooted at a time when home is a source of comfort was painful and disconcerting. On Sunday just before leaving, we read Psalm 23 in the message version, and took comfort in the concluding verse, "I'm back home in the house of God for the rest of my life." Truly, our home is with God, wherever we are, and we are grateful for His promises and presence.

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The Outreach Foundation

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope my email finds you in good health. How are you with all your friends and family? How are brothers and sisters in the Outreach foundation and BLI? This is a very critical time for all of us. it is very much challenging time for the leaders and the community in general. In Ethiopia, the schools were already shut down, the hospitals were closed and were made ready for the C-virus patients, government institutions were partially closed. But we believe God is in control (Psalm 91). Nothing is impossible with Him. It has given us the opportunity to serve others both in word and in action, to show compassion, etc. God will give us victory. Those of us in EECMY is very fine and already announced a 30 days fasting and prayer at national level. Please know that we keep you and all colleagues in the USA in our prayers. Convey our greetings to all friends in the outreach foundation and BLI.

In His Hands,

Zerihun Gebre

EECMY-Christian Education and Theology Division Head

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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The Outreach Foundation