Words from friends on COVID-19: Shepherd Society - Bethlehem Bible College

From the Shepherd Society - Bethlehem Bible College:

Dearest friend,

May fourth marked the 60th day of lockdown in the Bethlehem district. Though the situation regarding the virus is improving, the Palestinian Authority just declared another month of emergency precautions lasting until June 5.

Bethlehem Bible College is in its second week of being partially open. A small staff is working from the office four hours a day, three days a week. Even this small effort is making a difference. Our spirits are high and we are excited to be serving again.

During the lockdown we received many requests for food and financial help from people around town who were immediately impacted by the lockdown because they live from day to day on what they earn. We also received many calls from previous and current beneficiaries just checking on us during this tough quarantine. That really touched us. This shows us the depth of the genuine loving relationship that has been developed between us and that stands on its own apart from the material support that we can offer.

Here are some of the messages received from our beneficiaries:

“Thank you for this gift, it means a lot to me and my husband. I felt that this gift is from my son who has been in the US for a very long time. I have two sons – one is in the States and you are the other one!”

“I did not think that people would come to my house with cookies and sweets for Easter. To see that people care for me was a surprise. Thank you!”

“Wow, I didn't expect you to find my house. Thank you for the Easter Basket! And say hello to the Shepherd Society team for thinking of me!”

Such messages bring to mind the verse:

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." Galatians 2:10

This month we are focusing on the distribution of healthy and nutritious food. This will include going to the markets to buy food for those who cannot get there. Many families have small children who need this healthier food.

In addition to distributing food and other aid, we have also simply spent time listening to and praying with the people we visited, which is an important ministry of love. Our beneficiaries are the reason we exist. Thanks to your support, we are able to love and serve them in tangible and intangible ways.

How wonderful that as we serve those in need, we are serving the Lord at the same time.  On behalf of the poor and needy of Bethlehem, we thank you for your prayers and partnership. God bless you, dear friends.

Pray With Us

  • The whole world will come through this pandemic and become a better place.

  • People here will come to know God; where people will care for one another.

  • Peace with justice will prevail and we all can be treated equally.

  • Those who are sick with Corona and are in the process of healing.

  • Those who are mourning over the loss of loved ones.

  • For the Shepherd Society team to continue serving with faith and hope.

Many Blessings,

Shepherd Society Team

Bethlehem Bible College