Words from friends on COVID-19: Greetings from the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda

Dear Brethren in Christ,

Please do receive the best greetings from the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR)/Kigali). I would like to give you an update on the situation in the EPR and in Rwanda in general at this time when the world is facing the pandemic of Coronavirus. 

As you know, the EPR is in partnership with many Churches and Christian organizations around the world and in many countries where this pandemic has paralyzed life at all levels. We lift you in our prayers. 

Since the confirmation of the first case of COVID-19 in Rwanda on 14/3/2020, today the number of cases declared positive has increased to 11 people infected by the virus. The Government of Rwanda has applied precautionary measures to limit the outbreak of the virus among the population. These measures include limiting travels, avoiding mass gatherings including Sunday services, physical meetings, services that gather many people in offices as well as the closure of all schools (Nursery, primary, secondary, and university) until the next communication of new order (there is the official document on the measures taken).  

​As can be seen, these measures will affect the activities at all levels and life in the country in general and in the church in particular, especially the life in parishes. They affect also the activities of the Church at the Head office and in the various areas of Church life.

In the meantime, work is done at home (home office). Nevertheless, there may be an arrangement in case of emergency whereby someone can go to the office for urgent activities taking into account the precautionary measures taken. We are going through the crisis in this way of course waiting for the situation to improve for the resumption of activities with our hope in God who restores life. 

We know that you are in the same situation where you are and that is the same situation all over the world. Let us pray that the might hand of the Lord be on all of us and on his children in this world in distress, may his grace accompany those who give themselves day and night to help the sick, families and all those in difficulty in the world. We pray for brothers and sisters with whom we share the faith and who are facing this pandemic. We pray for the whole world that the strategies taken may be accompanied by God’s hand and that they may respond effectively to the current challenges. We pray for doctors and researchers on COVID-19 that the Holy Spirit guide them in their work. 

We keep you all in our prayers and remain with you in fraternal communion. In the hope that the situation will improve in the nearer future, we will keep you informed of the situation in the country and its impact on Church activities. 

​Dear brethren and friends, our faith in God does not shelter us from trials but reassures us that God Himself accompanies us. Consequently, even in the present time of distress, the Lord says: "Behold, I am with you all the days, unto the end of the world (Mt 28:20)." 

May the Lord be with you, keep you and bless you.  

With my best regards, 

Rev. Dr. Pascal BATARINGAYA  

EPR President   

The Outreach Foundation