A Note about COVID-19 from Executive Director, Rob Weingartner

My dear friends, 

When we began our Lenten journey, walking with Jesus on the way to the cross, few of us expected that this holy season would involve tracking the progress of a novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19. This odd pairing of Jesus’ word and deeds and a global pandemic invites us to reflect upon the question “What does this Jesus have to do with our kind of world?”  

As many of us shelter in place and are careful about social distancing, I am reminded of Eugene Peterson’s earthy translation of John 1:14: “And the Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” As we think, too, of refugees in northwest Syria, not knowing where they are going and when they will rest, I remember that John’s verse could be rendered “pitched his tent among us.” 

The good news of Jesus is not easy promises of tranquility and prosperity. No, the Gospel is news of One who took on human form, faced the brokenness of this world, died to reconcile the world to himself and promised that he would never leave us or forsake us. This is the God whose love is stronger than death. 

In this season of uncertainty and hunkering down, please know that your friends at The Outreach Foundation are praying for you. I am praying for you. Please pray for us and especially for our global partners, and remember that when we follow Jesus, he always leads us into the world. Pray that God will show you ways that you can, perhaps especially in these days, reach out to bless others in Jesus’ name. 

Rob Weingartner 

Executive Director 


P.S. We will announce in the next day or two a “COVID-19 Emergency Appeal” which will enable us, on your behalf, to respond to special needs of our global partners. 

The Outreach Foundation