Words from friends on COVID-19: Egypt

From Egypt: (translation of) a statement by the Rev. Dr. Andre Zaki, President of the Evangelical Community of  which the Presbyterian Church (Synod of the Nile) is the largest family 

Cairo on March 19, 2020 Statement from the presidency of the evangelical community of Egypt --- 

In the context of the exceptional circumstances of the country, and for the sake of the lives of all citizens, of any health risks that may threaten their lives, the lives of their families, and in line with the preventive decisions taken by the Egyptian State, in compliance with health and safety standards Recommended by who, Dr. Pastor André Zaki, head of the evangelical community of Egypt, decided that: 

Suspension of all church meetings, activities and conferences of all evangelical doctrines in Egypt, from today on Thursday, March 19 until the end of the current march throughout the Republic. 

With regard to worship on Sunday, this is done in compliance with the health and safety standards adopted by the world health organization, and the local church council may decide to establish worship via live broadcast and social media, without The presence of the people, in coordination with the presidents of the evangelical doctrines and churches in Egypt. 

All churches should take all measures against sterilization and follow the necessary health guidelines. 

4-dedicate Friday 20 and 27 March to Somalia and pray and pray to Allah to prevent this crisis. 

The Presidency of the evangelical community in Egypt is following the matter with precision and will be informed of any new developments. 

Our world today is going through a serious health crisis, threatening the health and lives of thousands of people, but we trust in the ability of God to save the whole world "from the epidemic of danger" (PS 91: 3), and that this crisis will end in cooperation Between all and working together and ensuring everyone's health and life. 

We all pray to God to extend his healing hand to all those injured, simplify protection for all, and keep Egypt and the whole world in safety, peace and health.

The Outreach Foundation