Hope in the Shadow of COVID-19: Latin American Partners and Friends respond to the Pandemic

by Juan Sarmiento 

Partner churches across the Latin American region are quickly responding to the crisis. Beyond adjusting to severe preventative measures, they are quickly finding ways to serve vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with limited access to groceries, disinfectant products, and necessary supplies. 

Many countries in the region have recently suffered deadly outbreaks of hemorrhagic fevers and measles. Realizing the severity of COVID-19, regional governments have taken measures such as closing borders, suspending classes, and calling for nationwide days of prayer and fasting. Unfortunately, access to water for hand washing is scarce in many of the impoverished communities.    

On March 18, Pastor Roy Soto, who leads the efforts of Shalom Teaching Ministries, brought together pastors from eight majority Spanish speaking countries in a video conference to consider the new realities that churches are encountering during this unanticipated season. Among the main topics of conversation were: 

  • The current tensions between following "social distancing" measures while serving those in need to demonstrate the love of Jesus. 

  • The increased demand for using digital tools for ministry purposes while recognizing the severe divide that leaves so many without access to the internet due to economic conditions. 

  • The priority of equipping families for more intentional discipleship that is not dependent on congregational gatherings.   

  • The vulnerability of Hispanic immigrants living in other countries like the United States. They usually work in the service industries and have limited access to health care systems. In Italy and Spain, which are very severely affected by the virus, there are between 3 and 4 million immigrants from Latin American countries. 

  • The necessity of returning to more indigenous, organic, and simple ways of being churches. Congregations that have developed a culture of small groups gathering at home are doing much better at continuing their ministry. 

  • The importance of emphasizing the unity of the body of Christ. Pursuing accountability, coordination, as opposed to fragmentation, denominationalism, and sectarianism gives credibility to the message of reconciliation that we proclaim. 

  • The value of sharing the message of Christ's hope amid so much hopelessness and encouraging potential leaders, young people, professionals, to spread those words as far as possible.

At this point, Brazil is the country reporting the largest number of cases, followed closely by Chile, Ecuador and Peru. The improvised migrant camps along the Venezuelan and Mexican borders are of particular concern due to the dire conditions that they face. Despite the fears, we have received reports from Presbyterian churches in Venezuela and Cuba who are sewing protecting masks. Church Initiatives to deliver aid to homes using the necessary precautions are increasingly multiplying. A Spanish speaking WhatsApp group that Outreach launched last year named "Amistad y Misión" (Friendship and Mission) has proven to be a useful platform exchanging inspirational and practical information among leaders in more than 12 countries.  You will find additional updates and words from Outreach partners and friends on our home page.

Jose Pezini, coordinator for Portuguese speaking ministries with The Outreach Foundation, said:

"Let's continue to trust. Let us never forget that our most excellent weapon will always be prayer. So, let's intensify our prayers. 

Let's pray for provision, help, and protection. Let's pray for all people working in health care, as they are the most exposed in these pandemic days. 

Let's pray for the most vulnerable, asking God to protect them and deliver them from being infected. Let's also pray for our authorities to be wise in their decisions. 

Above all, let us pray for a miraculous intervention from God, asking him to transform this scenario of chaos and restore peace because our God is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine.  (Ephesians 3:20). 

The Outreach Foundation