Latin America and You

by Juan Sarmiento

Did you know that?

  • The largest Presbyterian congregation in the American continent is in the Brazilian Amazon.

  • There are more Presbyterians in Latin America than in the United States and Canada.

  • 20 % of Latin Americans are part of Protestant/evangelical churches.

  • Mexico is home to the largest Presbyterian denomination in the Western Hemisphere.

The continent is rich in faith, cultural diversity and natural resources. However,

  • 1 in 4 Latin Americans lives on under $4 a day.

  • Approximately 80% of the pastors in Latin America have not attended seminary or received formal theological training.

  • 77 million lack access to safe water. That represents more than 12% of the total population.

While my colleague Marilyn Borst offers excellent guidance concerning partnerships in Cuba, I will be leading the following two trips to Latin America:

Colombia: May 22 to 29

Brazil: October 18 to 27

You can watch a one-minute video of a recent visit below:

By getting involved in Latin America through The Outreach Foundation you can be part of

  • Strengthening ministries of compassion in Venezuela and among the four million displaced Venezuelans.

  • Providing mentoring to more than 400 pastors throughout Brazil.

  • Delivering helpful ministry training and theological materials to more than 120 pastors in 8 countries

  • Planting vibrant community-transforming churches.

  • Helping communities in rural Mexico gain access to clean water.

Please contact us if you would like to join us on one of our trips to begin developing transformative mission relationships in that part of the world. We would love to help you become involved in God's exciting work in Latin America.

The Outreach Foundation