Mike Kuhn — October 2022 Update

Mike Kuhn has accepted a new role as director of the International Theological Education Network (ITEN). ITEN’s purpose is to provide partnership for theological education and leadership development among those with the least access to the gospel.

Mike’s ministry passion has long been in the areas of discipleship and spiritual formation. Through ITEN, he co-labors with indigenous training movements to strengthen them in their mission.

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Update on the Crisis in Haiti

Haiti Outreach Ministries and the Crisis in Haiti

Sadly, there has not been an improvement in the situation in Haiti since our last message. Daily life in Port-au-Prince remains mostly paralyzed, and the Varreux oil terminal is still blockaded by gangs. Due to lack of clean water access, cholera cases continue to rise,

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The Word of God Brightens Darkness!

In a nation with a population of over 80 million in need of salvation, together with you, we have a lot of work to do. We dream to deliver the Light of the world to one million Iranians at any cost.

IBSD cordially invites you to join us in person at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, TX, or via Zoom on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

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PCEA Simba Cement Church in Kenya — Joyful Dedication!

The Outreach Foundation has come alongside the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) to help them build churches in difficult areas. Once these churches are established, members do mission work in their communities like building schools and ministering to those in need. Coordinating this work is Outreach’s East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross, who works closely with PCEA leadership. Stu recently sent the following:

Last Sunday, October 16, Simba Cement Church was dedicated. The church is located in Maasai Land near a large cement factory, thus the name Simba Cement Church.

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Pakistan Bible Correspondence School and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries – October 2022 Update

Pakistan Bible Correspondence School
Ministry Essentials Training Program
In October, the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School launched the Ministry Essentials Training Program (METP). This program developed out of The Outreach Foundation’s visit in March 2022 as we learned about the leadership development needs of rural pastors.

Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries
Listeners’ Conference in Northern Pakistan
The Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries provides regular teachings about the Bible, God, and living as godly people caring for society, family, and creation. The audience numbers into the thousands across all of Pakistan.

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The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda – October 2022 Update

EPR President Rev. Dr. Pascal Bataringaya recently shared news from Rwanda:

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

It is my honor to share the current situation in Rwanda with you. The three main areas of concern are currently church evangelism and mission, the COVID pandemic, and inflation.

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Weeping with Haiti: an Update

As you know, Haiti has been deeply struggling over the past year with sociopolitical unrest, violence, and hyperinflation. Sadly, the situation has deteriorated even further over the past several weeks. The Varreux Terminal, which is the main entry point for fuel in Haiti has been blocked by gangs for more than 20 days, and the lack of access to fuel has paralyzed daily life and activities. Our Haitian colleagues report that the cost of living is currently four times more than it was a month ago, and many products, including food items, are not available. The fuel shortage has led to other crises, including a critical lack of access to clean drinking water and a potential cholera outbreak.

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Pakistan Monsoon Relief — Important Update

The Outreach Foundation is following the relief efforts of PAK Mission Society closely and we are pleased to report that they have signed a Memo of Understanding with Rev. Reuben Qamar and Rev. Obaid Khokhar, Moderators of the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan. This brings Christians together to provide a holistic, Christian-based response to rural communities in Pakistan and places where there are many refugees from Afghanistan.

PAK Mission Society is present in 80 villages, providing 1,791 food packages, and over 3,700 hot meals.

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José Carlos Pezini – October 2022 Update

Brothers and sisters, may the grace and power of God be upon each one of you. I praise God for your faithfulness and generosity and pray that God in His grace will bless you abundantly. Despite the effects of the pandemic, our ministry continues to grow because people like you continue to believe that God rules over everything and everyone.

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New Church Development in Brazil — September 2022 Update

The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB), our partner in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus, has been striving to plant new churches, and The Outreach Foundation has been working to find partners to plant new churches. One of these new churches is located in the city of Valinhos, State of São Paulo. This is a city with enormous potential, but its inhabitants are very resistant to the Gospel message. Despite the resistance, the church has grown, as the organizing pastor discovered that he can best share the Gospel through interpersonal relationships with good results, thank God!

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Appeal for Prayer for Iran — Women, Life, Freedom

The media has highlighted recent protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini. She was a 22-year-old Kurdish girl visiting Tehran with her family. Her hair was not fully covered. Read the full story here. Clashes between Iranians and police have erupted in many cities and towns across Iran. Additionally, the Iranian government has attempted to shut down the internet, social media, and mobile networks. Such blackouts are making it difficult to get reliable information from Iran. To date, at least 51 people have been killed and over 1,700 arrested.

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PCEA Kianjau Church — Kenya — A Small Miracle

Working closely with PCEA leadership, Outreach’s East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross coordinates the construction of many churches in East Africa. Stu sent this note about one of the newest PCEA churches:

The dedication of Kianjau Church was very different in many ways. The group that helped build this church was from TOLI (Touch of Love International). We have been partnering with them for about six years. They do micro-loans and have been working in the Kiandutu slum next to the church. They have already given out over forty loans and by year’s end will have given out over one hundred. Many of their loans are going to single mothers with few skills and few opportunities. They not only provide loans but also provide training on how to run a business, open a bank account, and choose a sustainable enterprise.

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Presbytery of Zimbabwe Ministry for Children at Risk — September 2022 Update

Formerly known as Lovemore Home, the Ministry for Children at Risk in Harare rescued many boys from the streets of Zimbabwe. When Lovemore Home closed as a residential home for boys at the end of 2014, The Outreach Foundation and several donors including members of South Highland Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama committed to helping the boys who lived in the orphanage complete their education. Lee Cooper from South Highland PC recently sent the following news on the boys:

We can't say Praise God! and Hallelujah! enough that Tichaona Baradzi and Munashe Kamangira have graduated from university, even in the midst of COVID!

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Dan and Elizabeth Turk — September 2022 Update

Elisabeth Razanalivao was beaming when she told us that this past year that 100% of the students from the FJKM primary school at Soatsifa of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) passed the national primary school exit exam. This is no small accomplishment because Soatsifa is located in the far south of Madagascar which has been experiencing famine-like conditions over the past several years with high rates of acute malnutrition, especially in children. Mrs. Razanalivao and her husband, Marc Ranarianirina, who is the principal of the school, came to Soatsifa 28 years ago as missionaries of the FJKM to start a school to help children get a good education.

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China Partnership — September 2022 Update

Christian Communication Limited

Book Gifting Updates

This year’s response to the COVID pandemic in China has been more unstable than ever, which has seriously affected the schedule for seminary schools. Indeed, their classes are all revolving in this loop: suspended → resumed → extra effort to catch up on the courses → suspended again……

Despite the uncertainties, 1,890 sets of books have been delivered to 29 official seminaries, Bible schools, and selected training centers. All by God’s grace!

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Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary, A Beacon of God's Love

The Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary (UETS) stands as a beacon of God’s love in the midst of the devastating war in Ukraine. Kyiv, which is the capital of Ukraine, has experienced an escalation in military conflict since Ukrainian Independence Day, August 24. Yet rather than retreat, UETS leadership, staff, faculty, and students carry on with its ministry.

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Exciting News from Tete Province and Malawi!

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I want to share with you some of the exciting things that are unfolding in Tete Province in 2022. In spite of COVID restrictions, a shortage of skilled workers, raging inflation, and more rain than normal, we are experiencing a banner year. We are on track to drill 20 wells this year, with locations in both Tete Province (15) and neighboring Malawi (5). The need for clean water seems overwhelming, but we are truly making a difference. This will be a new yearly record for wells drilled by us.

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