Children's Bible Ministry - May 2022 Update

For 121 years, the Presbyterian Church in this working-class suburb of Havana has given faithful witness to the Good News. Like many churches in Cuba, it developed ministries unique to its context, such as one that served those diagnosed with AIDS who were often shunned by their families and communities.

When its current pastor, Rev. Yoelkis Sierra, began to explore the surrounding neighborhood, he quickly discerned that there were many young children whose families had no connection to the church. He and his leaders began to pray about how this might present the congregation with new opportunities to make Christ known.

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Pakistan Partnership

The Outreach Foundation’s Vision for Engagement in Pakistan

God is at work in many ways through various expressions of the church in Pakistan. Our intention is to provide congregations and donors with a clear understanding of the scope into which we sense the Holy Spirit calling The Outreach Foundation. This vision statement is born from over thirty years of engagement in Pakistan and especially our visit in Spring 2022. We seek to bring Christ-infused, transformative hope to Pakistanis. In so doing we will support a broad movement that strengthens Christ’s church, builds Christian faith, and changes attitudes between faith communities in Pakistan

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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - May 2022 Update

The Nuer Christian Youth Network for Peace and Development (NCYNPD) is a church-affiliated youth association formed in 2008 by a group of young Christians in Gambella, Ethiopia. It was formed to revitalize the faith of young Nuer Christians, encourage them to live a life of Christ-likeness and be able to transform others to live in peace and harmony with one another as good disciples of the Lord Jesus. The organization has conducted several spiritual conferences across the Nuer community in Ethiopia and South Sudan. This year, the NCYNPD conducted its 15th annual conference in Akobo, South Sudan with the theme “Peace and Restoration for the Akobo Community.” It is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the gift of The Outreach Foundation, which made this significant conference possible.

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Presbyterian Education Board - May 2022 Update

During a recent visit to Pakistan, the team from The Outreach Foundation was pleased to meet Veda Javaid, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Education Board, and PEB Board Chair Margy Trimble. We are happy to continue our partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board. They recently sent us an update with some wonderful news as well as the current state of affairs in Pakistan. Let us keep PEB and each of our friends in Pakistan in our prayers during this unsettled time in the country.

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Palestinian Bible Society - Update

This year, we were delighted to be able to arrange several Easter events for communities throughout the country. The main event took place on Good Friday and attracted people from all over the Ramallah district, mostly Christians but several Muslim families attended, as well. We originally expected between 400 and 600 children but welcomed at least 800 children of all ages (excluding their parents). Miraculously, we had enough candy to hand out as a previously canceled event had left us with excess, and thanks to the big area we had reserved, there was more than enough space for all of them to run and play in the beautiful weather.

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Thank you from Ukraine

Through the incredible generosity of donors and congregations, The Outreach Foundation has helped to supply critical medical support throughout Ukraine. The medical supplies originate from outside Ukraine, collected in Romania by our partner Beni Husarciuc (a Cru staff person) who drives them to another partner, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Lviv. From there, the medical supplies are moved to the central hospital in Lviv and dispersed to a number of remote medical units. Because of the personal way this is being done we are able to receive pictures and stories.

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Ukraine Appeal - Getting to Know Our Partners - Oleg and Lena

Before Putin’s massive invasion of Ukraine, I was pleased to know Oleg and Lena Vasilevsky. I have always been inspired by their passion for the Lord, the young people of Ukraine, and their commitment to transforming culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1994 they gave birth to Radooga Ministry which seeks to transform Ukraine from the grassroots, beginning with the next generation. Channel 5 in Nashville, TN featured their story as part of their series detailing The Outreach Foundation’s war relief effort.

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John McCall - May 2022 Update

Often pastors call to invite me to preach and speak in their churches or in other youth or leadership events with the words, “please come and encourage us.” In these uncertain days, we all need words of encouragement. But as I return home after visiting these churches, I often find that I have been the one who has been encouraged by the way I see God at work in churches around Taiwan.

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Ukraine Appeal - Getting to Know Our Partners - Sanna of City Church, Lithuania

Meet Sanna Karosas, a dynamic, lovely, and joyful Christian woman who is Pastor Saulius’ wife. Today (April 29) she received the Lithuanian Award of Merit from the President of Lithuania for her sacrificial work with Downs’ Syndrome children!

City Church has three congregations, each one providing various forms of humanitarian and spiritual compassion to Ukrainian refugees. It has been a significant and time-consuming project, with job training, networking for employment, arranging for health care and education, and organizing a hotel that is managed by the Ukrainians themselves. They are an example of what a healthy partnership looks like.

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Bob and Kristi Rice - May 2022 Update

The South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SSPEC) recently collaborated with the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) to host a national Training of Facilitators and Training of Trainers in South Sudan. As a result of the collaboration, fifteen new facilitators were trained, and seven new facilitators were certified for the Healing Hearts Transforming Nations (HHTN) workshop. It was the first time that the training of new facilitators for this workshop was held in South Sudan.

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José Carlos Pezini - May 2022 Update

May the grace and blessing of the good and mighty God be upon each one of you. I am thankful always for your faithfulness, generosity, and love towards us and our ministry.

Our lives have almost returned to normal from the pandemic. April was one of our busiest months. Mentoring retreats, church revitalization talks, and lay leadership training have resumed. This brings us great joy because we can be with the pastors again and help them in their ministerial journeys.

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Ukraine Appeal - Mission Eurasia - Anna's Story

Anna’s story: spiritual rebirth emerging from the ruins of war

Anna lived in Kyiv when the war broke out. She spent many days in her basement listening to explosions. When a Russian rocket hit her neighbor’s house, Anna and her family made the decision to evacuate. They didn’t know anyone in western Ukraine so they decided to take the first available train. That train happened to be going to Chernivtsi. When they arrived, they were met by the volunteers of Mission Eurasia's refugee assistance center, who helped her family find a place to live.

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Home of Hope Zimbabwe - April 2022 Update

Dear friends and supporters of Home of Hope,

In this update, Craig shares news about the street children. Some are now grown-ups; some were able to start new lives by joining a family; some rejoined their own family; some attend primary school. Given how tough life is in Zimbabwe, each case is a miracle in itself. This was made possible through your prayers, your generous gifts, and your love for the destitute, the homeless, and the otherwise uncared for.

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Bethlehem Bible College - April 2022 Update

My name is Ghadeer Hanna Khoury. I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend! I’m the mother of triplets, Youhanna, Itay, and Andrew; they are six years old and a true blessing from the Lord. I have been working as the registrar at Bethlehem Bible College since 2012. The college is a blessing, with so many genuine friends who build me up every day, and of course, the word of God which we listen to daily, and which helps us grow in faith.

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Ukraine Appeal - Lviv - Be Still and Know I am God

“Help!” Father Oleh Kindii of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Lviv messaged me while The Outreach Foundation was visiting Shapoor and other partners in our Iranian diaspora initiatives in Liverpool. My focus briefly went to Facebook and I saw it: a long list of various antibiotics, prednisone, several thousand sterile compresses, and other specialized medical supplies. The need was urgent. Supplies in Ukraine had been depleted but doctors and nurses are flooded daily with new patients with life-threatening injuries. My head was spinning, but the Lord had everyone in the right place at the right time. “Be still and know that I am God.

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Ukraine Appeal - Warsaw - God Has Put These People Under Our Care

The Outreach Foundation is honored to connect U.S. congregations with our friends in Warsaw, Poland at the College of Theology in Social Sciences. This Christian college trains men and women for service to the church in Eastern Europe. No easy task in a context where sharing the gospel is likened to “plowing through concrete.” Today, administration, faculty, and students are actively involved in relief work for 37 refugees from Ukraine. “Each family, each person is a different story. But there is one thing all of these 37 individuals have in common: God has put these 37 people under our care.” Piotr Nowak, president of the college, took the initiative without knowing from where support might come. That same day The Outreach Foundation sent $15,000! During our recent visit, he shared, “The funds were a miracle.”

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington - April 2022 Update

Dear friends,

Sherri and I have some big news to share with you. In recent years, we’ve had a growing sense that God is tugging on our hearts to return and do mission service in the Arabic-speaking world again.

Many of you will remember that we served in Egypt from 2005 to 2009. It was invigorating to be learning Arabic, building trust on behalf of the gospel in a Muslim setting, and training people for Christian ministry in that region. We had thought we were called there long-term and were deeply saddened when we were forced to leave. It felt as though our ministry, dreams, and future were taken from us – though in the end we landed well and have deeply appreciated our 11 years in Zambia.

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