Posts in Projects
Presbyterian Education Board and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries Update

The church in Pakistan holds a precious place in the heart of The Outreach Foundation. Out of all the countries where we show up, our Christian friends experience the greatest amount of persecution in Pakistan. Yet, they remain resilient and courageous and the witness of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior sings loudly. We are privileged to stand with them!

The Outreach Foundation is pleased to bring word from two of our dear friends in Pakistan, the Presbyterian Education Board, and Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries.

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Venezuela Appeal - January 2022 Update

Venezuela, home to the world’s largest oil reserves, is a case study in the perils of becoming a petrostate. Since it was discovered in the country in the 1920s, oil has taken Venezuela on an exhilarating but dangerous boom-and-bust ride that offers lessons for other resource-rich states. Decades of poor governance have driven what was once one of Latin America’s most prosperous countries to economic and political ruin… So begins a recent article from the Council of Foreign Affairs and it is that kind of news which tends to stick in our heads when we think about “Venezuela.”

Being a student of mission history, I went in search of the background of our (newer) partner there, Iglesia Presbiteriana de Venezuela (IVP) – the Presbyterian Church of Venezuela.

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Gujranwala Theological Seminary - January 2022 Update

Gujranwala Theological Seminary (GTS) has been training and equipping pastors to lead churches since 1877. Originally a Presbyterian seminary, at one point it was the only seminary in South Asia. It now serves as a united (inter-denominational) seminary. There are currently 78 students studying at GTS on all three levels. Although there were many challenges and difficulties during the last year, we are thankful to God for providing wisdom and strength to achieve much. Here are two of the highlights:

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Palestinian Bible Society - Update

The Palestinian Bible Society’s 8th “Bible Day”

The Bible Day event has become an anticipated annual event bringing unity, joy, and strength to the different denominations in the Holy Land. Though last year’s event was online, due to the pandemic, the event took place this year in one of the most spiritually significant settings in the world, the Nativity Church in Bethlehem – where the birth of Jesus happened and where Jerome translated the Hebrew Bible into Latin, now known as the Vulgate.

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New Church Development in Egypt - Update

A New Church Begets a New Church!

The population of Egypt is more than 100 million people, making it the 14th most populous country in the world. The phenomena of internal migration opened many doors for God’s work as thousands of families began moving to megacities like Cairo and Alexandria. As a result, the need for new churches continues to grow. The Egyptian government will give land for churches in new cities but the building must begin within 3 years or the land will revert to the government. This is both an exciting opportunity and a big challenge! In previous eras, churches had a very difficult time obtaining permits to build, or even to make minor repairs. Thus, this season is a “golden window” that the Church in Egypt is trying to take advantage of while it lasts.

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Near East School of Theology - December 2021 Update

A timeline of history from a Beirut seminary

On The Outreach Foundation’s October visit to Lebanon (and on into Syria), we stopped by to visit our beloved partner, N.E.S.T. As always, President George Sabra made time for us, and we got caught up over the little cups of Arabic coffee which seem to be perpetually “on tap” in the faculty lounge. As no one in our group was making their first visit, we did not need to tour the facilities. But I did have a special request, mindful that most of our team was unaware of a “treasure” tucked away in the library here: the translation papers of Dr. Cornelius Van Dyke (1818-1895), a Presbyterian missionary who completed the translation of the Bible into Arabic (from the Hebrew and Greek). That translation is still the most used and beloved one throughout the Middle East.

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Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation - December 2021 Update

Young Adults Seeking New Ways to be “Community”

A Muslim-Christian Young Adults group recently went to Jordan to take several excellent workshops on volunteerism, participate in a Youth Leader Seminar, and experience several cultural activities.

Organized by eight Danish volunteers, the workshop leaders shared with the Palestinians reasons why they volunteer, how they volunteer, and what they do when they volunteer back in Denmark. They then challenged the group to explore the causes that motivate them the most and to design their own volunteer outreach program when they return to Bethlehem.

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Bethlehem Bible College - December 2021 Update

Graduates Making a Difference in Christ’s Kingdom

Baseel and Ghaida Daibes are Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) graduates. Baseel graduated in 2016 and Ghaida in 2017, both from the Biblical Studies program. They met at the college, fell in love, and got married in 2015. They now have a beautiful boy named Iyad, and they live in a small town north of Palestine called Zababdeh. They shared:

Bethlehem Bible College had a huge effect on our lives; we learned incredible things about the Bible, and we grew in our faith. But mostly we loved the atmosphere and the relationships between the students, faculty, and staff!

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Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province - December 2021 Update

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I have been asked about the state of our Holistic Evangelism Project in Tete Province, Mozambique as our work winds down for this year and we prepare for the new year. In spite of the challenges from COVID-19, 2021 has been a busy and productive year, and 2022 is full of promise.

Sebber's family and Carlos and his family are healthy and doing well. Please pray for their continued safety and health. We praise the Lord for these dedicated servant leaders!

We celebrated the formal opening by the government of our new clinic in the village of Madzimaera. This much-needed clinic is very busy and is making a vital impact on the health of the many surrounding villages.

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Todd Luke - December 2021 Update

“Lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great”

Many water projects build or deliver the infrastructure and then give it to the poor. Our cistern ministry takes a different approach. In Mexico, projects that give away materials and infrastructure tend to have an overall negative impact. In search of better outcomes, we trust skin-in-the-game partnerships between families, neighbors, and communities to solve the clean water problem in our region.

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Rebuilding Hope in South Sudan - December 2021 Update

John Jock Gatwech, Education Coordinator for the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan (PCOSS), is assigned to the refugee camps in Ethiopia. John Jock recently wrote: “Today, the trauma healing group training is kicking off at Tierkidi camp in Palang parish.” This is one of the refugee camps in western Ethiopia, made up primarily of South Sudanese refugees that have escaped the civil war in their own country at great personal loss.

The training begins with a crucial question, pertinent to us all. “When we are suffering, what do we need to remember about God’s character?”

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José Carlos Pezini - December 2021 Update

Dear sisters and brothers, partners in the work of expanding the Kingdom of God in this world!

May grace and peace from God our Father be poured out in abundance upon your lives. I am very happy, and I pray constantly for you, thanking God for your generosity and love for us. In this difficult time, His love is expressed through the efforts you make, sharing with us so that through you we can live with dignity and develop our mission.

The pandemic is still present in Brazil. But my perception, in general, is that we have learned to live with it and life here in Brazil is slowly returning to normal.

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Lauren Scharstein - Hunger Relief Update - December 2021

Through generous gifts from many donors, hundreds of families in Kenya recently received food and supplies. Lauren Scharstein, global worker and Deputy Director of Mission for the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, sent this note:


We have received the wire transfer for hunger relief. Thank you! With the funds that you sent, we were able to deliver:

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Syria Lebanon Partnership - December 2021 Update

In late October, I led a team from The Outreach Foundation to Lebanon and then into Syria to meet with our partners, especially the congregations and leaders of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. During the intense 9 days we spent in Syria we were able to visit 7 congregations and all 16 of the pastors and seminarians who are leading these congregations. One of the team, Rev. Mike Kuhn, recounts the time we spent in the south of Syria, not far from the border with Jordan.
Marilyn Borst, Associate Director

“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

One imagines the gospel writer’s knowing smile as he records Nathaniel’s question. The place one is from inevitably leaves its imprint on the soul and destiny. Occasionally, the stigma of origin is overcome by the power and beauty of the person, much as Jesus upended Nazareth’s sketchy reputation.

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Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo - December 2021 Update

In an October ceremony overflowing with gratitude, after two decades of service, Dr. Atef Gendy passed the baton of leadership, to his friend and colleague, Dr. Hani Hanna. Numerous dignitaries including members of the Egyptian Senate and House of Representatives attended the event which was hosted by the Heliopolis Evangelical Presbyterian Church. After welcoming comments by ETSC Board President Dr. Youssef Samir, a video collage illustrated the seminary’s remarkable growth over the past twenty years. It noted Dr. Gendy’s gifted leadership, including his work in building partnerships across the world, strengthening the faculty, renovations of the campus, and recent accreditation by the European Council of Theological Education.

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Dustin and Sherri Ellington - December 2021 Update

Greetings from Zambia. I’d like to share a few glimpses of what it’s been like to be back here for about a month after being granted an exception from our church headquarters’ Covid-related ban on travel and in-person ministry. I very much miss Sherri, whose continuation in the U.S. under the ban allows her to have an in-person presence supporting a family member’s journey toward health. Nonetheless, my level of happiness went up a sizable notch when I landed in Zambia and arrived back at Justo Mwale University.

I've so loved getting to be part of the Justo Mwale community again – being together with colleagues who’ve become good friends over the past ten or so years, living in our home on campus and enjoying our garden as a place of prayer, but especially teaching and relating with students.

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PCEA Church Construction - Tigoni Dedication

The Outreach Foundation has come alongside the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) to help them build over 350 churches in the last 20 years. Coordinating this work is Outreach’s East Africa Mission Consultant Stu Ross who works closely with PCEA leadership. Stu sent this note on one of the newest PCEA churches:

Tigoni is a small town located in the center of a tea-growing area. PCEA Tigoni Church is a large, beautiful church that will seat 350+. The area has great potential and I can see the church doubling or tripling in membership in the next several years. We usually put the vestry on the side of the church but this time we put it behind the church. The land for the church was donated by a church member.

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