Home of Hope

Dear Friends of Home of Hope,

Home of Hope ministers to street mothers and children with the desire to help them get off the street. With this in mind, one of the programs Home of Hope sponsors is dressmaking. Lucy, pictured on the far right, teaches the sewing class. She instructs the mothers on each step of dressmaking, from learning how to use a tape measure to making button holes.

Each dress is a different style, developed by Lucy to suit the mother’s taste and abilities. Every mother who completes the course is given a start-up kit with enough materials to make another outfit to sell. We then pray for them and send them off to be self-sufficient and off the streets.

Some of the mothers are pictured wearing the new outfits that they made themselves. The workmanship is so good - the clothes are as nice as ones found in clothing stores in Harare.

This photo was taken on the veranda of the Home of Hope training center, which is an old house just off Harare city center once used as an office.

It is your support which makes all this life transformation possible. Thank you.

With much love,

Joan Trevelyan, Craig Trevelyan
Dave and Ria Rock