SARA: Retreat Ministry for Pastors Update June 2024

THE VISION OF SARA - The SARA Institute is a ministry focused on the personal needs of pastors, reaching pastors of various denominations and confessions. Its strategy is organic and has led to the formation of regional groups spread throughout the country of Brazil. These regional groups are led by volunteer coordinators. In August, we will hold a retreat for the coordinators of the regional groups, who are the outstretched arm of SARA to reach, care for, and mentor pastors in different regions of the country. At the retreat, coordinators are listened to, informed, cared for, and encouraged. A retreat of coordinators is extremely strategic for the SARA Institute because the operation of this blessed ministry of the Body of Christ depends on them.

BLESSING—The retreats have been a blessing to the lives and ministries of many pastors. The testimonies we receive from them spur us on and motivate us to continue this ministry of pastoral care. Pastors arrive at retreats confessing that they are exhausted and discouraged, unwilling to continue as pastors of a local church. However, by the end of each retreat, they show us that they have recovered their energy and enthusiastically return to their churches, ready for another semester of battle as the head of their flocks.

MENTORING - We know that working with pastors is a great challenge. Pastors are leaders, and often, even when they are tired, they think of themselves as self-sufficient, not needing or seeking help. God has been merciful to us and blessed us with many mentors who are committed to meeting with their mentees during the intervals between retreats. Each mentor meets monthly with their group of mentees in a two-hour online meeting, investing in reflection, prayer, and fellowship. If the mentee wishes or needs a private meeting, the mentor can meet him or her on another day and time.

REALITY - This year, we have noticed the negative effects of the pandemic, which has made it difficult for some of our regional groups to carry out their pastoral mentoring retreats. Despite the obstacles, we have 12 mentoring groups spread across the country with requests to open new groups. One requirement of each SARA group is to hold two annual retreats. In the first half of this year, we observed good participation from pastors in the retreats.

PARTNERSHIP IN THE MASTER'S DEGREE – It’s with great joy that we also inform you that the master’s degree in Spiritual Formation will be restarted in August with its third class. The program will partner with a Lutheran seminary, offering 25 spots for pastors and church leaders. Those who have already earned this degree have witnessed how they have been impacted and how their lives have undergone unprecedented transformations.

The SARA Institute wants to continue advancing and investing in the life of the leadership of the Brazilian church!

-Rev. Dr. J. C. Pezini

The Outreach Foundation seeks prayers and gifts for the SARA: Retreat Ministry for Pastors. This ministry helps restore and support pastors who are weary from a life of pastoral ministry. All gifts of any size are welcome. If you want to join this incredible ministry's growing network of supporters, please send funds to The Outreach Foundation, designated “SARA.” Send a gift via mail or click the link below to give online.