Haiti Outreach Ministries - October 2020 Update

The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools, churches, and the airport in Haiti to close down in March. But we are happy to share that Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) has allowed all campuses to reopen except Cité Soleil. Unfortunately, due to social unrest, gang violence, and flooding, only the church has reopened on the Cité Soleil campus. Their medical clinic and school were moved to the Terre Noire campus. But the ministries on all other campuses, which employ over 200 Haitians, are thriving.

Since HOM has been unable to receive U.S. church groups for two years, they have had to innovate to stay in touch with U.S. churches and medical mission teams. Zoom and live FB have worked well. Please contact Gary Fulton, contact information on page 2, to set up a call.

Leon Dorleans, HOM Founding Director, was visiting in the U.S. when he had a medical emergency and had two surgeries performed to remove blockage. HOM is anxious to get Leon back to the U.S. for further medical follow up. Otherwise, he is in good health, as is Jacky and daughter Nadege.

Here are some recent ministry updates and needs:

·         The 5th campus, Espwa (means Hope) is underway with road and wall construction. Building construction will follow. The Bible College will be the first building to open.

·         The Baryé Fe campus continues to add one grade each year and therefore, build and equip one classroom each year

·         Food insecurity remains a huge challenge, complicated further by the government’s manipulation of the Gourde. It used to be that 104-120 Gourde = $1 U.S. dollar, now only 60 Gourde = $1. Double-digit inflation continues and impacts the availability of food and impacts food prices.

·         Haiti Outreach Ministries serves hot meals to over 1,400 children a day while they are in school. The need to feed and educate children in Haiti continues. 

HOM has no plans for U.S. teams to return to Haiti until after January 2021, or perhaps not until a vaccine is available. There have been only 18 documented COVID cases in the clinic. Dr. Quency does not want visitors to bring in the virus because Haiti has insufficient healthcare to deal with it. As shared in the June 2020 partnership update, one of HOM’s first graduates is now a doctor. Dr. Benoucheca Pierre, who was in the first class at Cité Soleil primary school almost 30 years ago, now leads Haiti’s COVID response team. What an example of how lives are transformed and generations impacted through education!

We remain grateful for your prayers and partnership!


Gary W. Fulton
Executive Director
Haiti Outreach Ministries

Read more about Haiti Outreach Ministries HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking the following gifts for Haiti Outreach Ministries:
prenatal vitamins and baby formula - $25 per family per month; chairs for schools - $25 each;
otoscopes - $150 each; primary school for one student per year - $420; secondary education for one student per year - $720; community feeding program - $100/month. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.