Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery - September 2018 Update


An Outreach Legacy Story

In Lusaka, Zambia an abandoned three-week-old baby boy was brought to the House of Moses where the caregivers named him Jacob and called him Jake. He spent his first two years living and thriving in this amazing rescue home. Although the social workers worked tirelessly to try and find relatives to care for him, they were not successful.

When Jake turned two, he transitioned to the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery where he continued to develop as a healthy toddler. He enjoyed the Learning Center of Joy and interacting with the other children. Last September, Jake was cleared by government authorities and placed into the Foster-to-Adopt program where, after a thorough matching process, he was placed with the Libuku family. The threesome began the bonding process. Jake has settled easily into his new family and is curious about everything in his new world. Best of all, he knows he has a mommy and daddy of his very own.

The legacy of Jake is the legacy of those who cared for him and loved him at the House of Moses and the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery. His love for learning came from his teachers at the Learning Center of Joy. The legacy lives on in the changed lives of the children served by the crisis nurseries and the love and prayers of the staff and foster families. Support from U.S. congregations and individuals through The Outreach Foundation has helped Zambian children thrive for a decade through the provision of faithful caregivers, whose love and prayers continue to inspire and touch the souls of the children and partners.

Ebralie Mwizerwa
Projects Coordinator

Read more about the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery HERE.

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The Outreach Foundation is seeking $60,000 for the Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery to continue its work in God’s mission.

The Outreach Foundation