Baryé Fè High School - June 2018 Update


Haiti Outreach Ministries

The energy and commitment of the students at Baryé Fè High School were palpable when the team I was leading on a discernment trip to Haiti back in January visited. It was around the time that a leading political official here made some disparaging remarks about Haiti and its future. All I could think about were the students we met, working hard and full of hope.

I am so thankful for the vision of Haiti Outreach Ministries which through its schools, including Baryé Fè High School, is teaching and raising up children who will become the leaders of their country in the coming years. We have been told by Haiti Outreach Ministries that as of mid-May the shell of the second classroom building has been completed which includes construction up to the third (and top floor). Interior work has commenced including installation of windows and security bars.

Work has begun on building out the science lab and outfitting it. This includes building concrete lab tables, installing plumbing and ordering the science equipment and supplies. Electrical wiring will be completed in the next couple of months.

The interior walls and ceiling are being finished, and over the next several months the building will be painted both inside and outside. Furniture including student desks, teacher desks, whiteboards and other equipment is being ordered. The desks are custom made by a furniture craftsperson in Port-au-Prince helping the local economy. In addition the roof will be installed as well as cloth coverings over the outer parts of the roof area.

HOM expects to have the building completed by the beginning of August to allow for teachers and staff to begin preparations for the opening of school in early September. The first class of 10th graders will be occupying this building in September 2018, and a variety of classes will make use of the new science lab!

Financial Status of Project
HOM’s goal was to raise $610,000 to construct this building and to connect to city power. To date $538,000 has been raised leaving approximately $72,000 to raise. Approximately $376,000 has been sent to Haiti for construction.

The new building will be dedicated on Friday, September 14, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Supporters are invited to join in the celebration in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on the Baryé Fè campus.

Rob Weingartner
Executive Director, The Outreach Foundation

Read more about  Baryé Fè High School in Haiti HERE.