News on Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province

Sebber October 2018.jpg

Update from Outreach Trustee Berry Long

Thank you for the many expressions of sympathy that were sent after Nedson Zulu's death. The outpouring of support was a great source of comfort to Nedson's family. Thank you also for all of the gifts sent to The Outreach Foundation earmarked for the Nedson Zulu Family Fund which have been used to defray funeral expenses and will be utilized to address other family needs. These non-deductible gifts are still welcome.

After Nedson's burial in Zambia, Sebber Banda returned home and dived into work. She feels called to the work in Tete Province, and we have asked her to assume Nedson's role of Project Director. We are delighted that she has accepted this challenge! She and the Project Assistant, Rev. Carlos Faquione, are wrapping up the 2018 activities and making plans for a busy and productive 2019.

There is much to accomplish in 2019 for this vital Kingdom work. Please pray for Sebber and Carlos as they shoulder new responsibilities. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for this vital work which continues to impact so many lives. Learn more HERE.

The Outreach Foundation