City Evangelization, Busanza Vocational Training Center - November 2018 Update


The Vocational Training Center in Busanza has almost reached the end of its second academic year. The training lasts from January to December. After the first 10 months, the students are required to do an internship in a different area of Kigali city.

The current students started their two-month internship on November 1. Like last year’s group of graduates, we are sure that this group of students will perform well in the skills they acquire from our school. Their success demonstrates the importance of the school and the impact it has on changing the lives of our community and nation in general.

This year’s class has 44 students. There are 21 students in sewing and 23 in hairdressing. Our first class had 34 students who all graduated at the end of 2017 (17 in sewing and 17 in hairdressing). The increase in the number of students shows the value of education and the positive testimonies shared by the first group of graduates. It is very important to keep this momentum going in the community. Skills training for young people is well supported at the church level and more and more by the government to empower the younger generation to create their own jobs, alleviate poverty and build strong communities.

We are reminded that the vision of our school is: “To help the poor who have no capacity and to improve their lives.” Students who come to this school have demonstrated vulnerability and poverty is one of the root causes of vulnerability. Very few people can afford to pay the fees at schools around the country. So, we would like to take this opportunity to thank The Outreach Foundation for all their support for the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda, Kanombe congregation, from providing resources to build the school to continuing to provide equipment, learning materials, and scholarships for the poor.

Clearly, the witness of the church in this community would not be possible without your help. Actions of this magnitude speak volumes. The women in the picture below are wearing outfits they made for themselves. They make a living from making dresses and outfits for clients. What a joy it is to see their progress!

On behalf of the students and members of our congregation and the Busanza community, we say “Murakoze Cyane” (Thank you very much)!

God bless you.

Pastor Denys Niyonsenga
Kanombe/Busanza Congregations

Read more about City Evangelization, Busanza Vocational Training Center HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $10,000 for equipment for the school and scholarships for needy students.

These women are wearing outfits they made for themselves!

These women are wearing outfits they made for themselves!

The Outreach Foundation