Caring for Vulnerable Children in Uganda - September 2017 Update

Kamwenge, Uganda

STEM Math and Science building

STEM Math and Science building

The Outreach Foundation has been in partnership with Partners in Mission caring for vulnerable children in Uganda since 2009. During that time, a generator for the Kamwenge Secondary and Vocational school was purchased and a girl’s dormitory, teachers’ housing, and classrooms have been built. The new STEM Science and Math building is nearing completion and will serve as a valuable asset for empowering the Kamwenge community and educating children from Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya and more and more vulnerable children from the refugee camps (in South Sudan, Burundi, DR Congo…). Please read the following inspiring stories from Kamwenge students and understand the impact of your gifts on a child and a community. There is no doubt that education is a sure way to change minds and transform communities.

Stories of Hope and Transformation



Sylvia is a 15-year-old student at Kamwenge Secondary and Vocational School (KSVS). During the school break in April, Sylvia's parents decided it was time for her to drop out of school and get married, as is common in the rural villages of Uganda. The family would receive one cow as a “bride price” for her. Sylvia was distraught about the situation and shared her concern with a friend from KSVS. When school resumed in May, the friend conveyed Sylvia’s story to Rev. John Mulindabigwi, founder and director of KSVS. Because it is illegal for parents to remove a child from school and force her to marry, Rev. Mulindabigwi contacted the local police. School staff then intervened with the family, who may have been unaware of the law. The family allowed Sylvia to return to school and live on campus, but they would no longer pay her tuition or upkeep. 

Some women from First Presbyterian Church in Glen Ellyn, IL learned of Sylvia’s plight and decided to host a bracelet-making party as a fundraiser. One evening in June, 20 women paid $30/each and gathered to make bead bracelets to wear in honor of Sylvia. They raised enough money to pay Sylvia's tuition for a year as well as her on campus living expenses. They made a bracelet for Sylvia and sent it to her along with a letter from "20 moms who care.” These wonderful women plan to continue supporting Sylvia.



Olivia, one of the first KSVS students to have a sponsor, sent the following letter to her sponsor in July:

Hello Kathy!!!  

How are you? This is Olivia. I am so glad to write to you once again and to thank the Almighty God for giving us good health. Greetings from my family and friends. Glory to God for His protection upon you and your family, friends, and relatives. I am grateful to Rev. John for minding about my whereabouts. Without him I would not have made it to talk with you again.

I successfully completed by O Level (senior grades 1-4) and my A Level (senior grades 5-6) at KSVS and Cleveland High School in Mbarara in the years 2012 and 2014 respectively. After completing high school, I joined Mbarara University of Science and Technology where I have been doing a three-year course pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business administration which I will complete in May 2018, so keep praying for me to complete this journey successfully and get the best out of it. Currently I am doing an internship with Jubilee Insurance Company and specializing in accounting.

Thank you, Kathy, for your love, guidance, support, and inspiration. I am very grateful to you and I pray God gives you more blessings and years for your good and caring heart. 

Yours faithfully,

Grateful for your partnership in caring for vulnerable children,

Ebralie Mwizerwa    
Projects Coordinator

Read more about Caring for Vulnerable Children in Uganda by clicking HERE.

Outreach is seeking $10,000 for Kamwenge children’s educational needs and school supplies.

Bracelet-making party!

Bracelet-making party!

The Outreach Foundation