A Heart for Africa

Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province


Have you ever traveled somewhere and left a part of your heart there? It happened to Berry and Elizabeth Long on their first trip to Africa in 2000. After returning home to Florida, they couldn’t get Africa out of their hearts and minds. For sixteen years, they have been faithful volunteer workers for The Outreach Foundation. 

They began working closely with Rev. Nedson Zulu in the Holistic Evangelism Ministry in Tete Province, Mozambique. The project serves the community in multiple ways, including building churches (now over 70!), training leaders and evangelists to serve those churches, establishing medical clinics and drilling wells. Elizabeth is especially drawn toward the water well ministry. Her heart aches for the little girls, as young as six years old, who carry gallons of water for miles in intense heat for their family water supply. Local wells allow the girls to go to school.

Over time, Berry and Elizabeth have become The Outreach Foundation “volunteer” coordinators for the Tete Province Holistic Evangelism project. They work long and tirelessly coordinating projects with Nedson, planning for future opportunities, raising funds for Tete, leading groups to visit there and praying for the ministry. Outreach is grateful for their energy, as it is nearly a full time job!

In reflecting on memorable experiences, Berry recalled being at a church in Mozambique where he witnessed church members bringing forward eggs, corn and sugar cane as an offering – even at a time when their village was experiencing drought. These people were willing to give their best to God, rather than keeping it for themselves. As Nedson explained, “They trust in God, they will give their very best and not worry.” As Berry and Elizabeth have discovered in their years of faithful service to the Lord, the reward of trusting in him is great.


You Can Make a Difference!

•    Join Berry and Elizabeth on a trip to Tete Province, Mozambique, June 12-22, 2017 to see God at work through the Holistic Evangelism Project
•    Support the Tete Province Holistic Evangelism Project through a gift to The Outreach Foundation by clicking HERE

The Outreach Foundation