José Carlos Pezini - April 2015 Update

Portuguese-Language Ministries Coordinator

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Christ, 

Peace be with you all from our Lord Jesus Christ. My wife, Odete, and I are full of joy as we reflect on what God is doing in our lives and ministry in Brazil. The retreat and mentoring ministry we started three years ago, “SARA” (meaning “healing”), is multiplying every day. Through SARA we offer three-day retreats for pastors that include mentoring and coaching for pastors and lay leaders, most of whom are involved in church planting. What happens in these retreats is transformative, for we give participants space and time to open their hearts and be restored in their souls.

The following testimony from Pastor Rafael Soares, a new church development pastor from Rio de Janeiro, captures what we see happening over and over in our ministry of “service, friendship, refreshment, and support.” 

My dear friend, Pezini,

I went to the SARA retreat with great anticipation to know God in a more profound and intimate way. I left there much closer to God and with much excitement to move forward on the journey.

I have practiced the spiritual disciplines, and I have followed the assignments that were handed out during this gathering.

The expectations were not only achieved, but to my joy and satisfaction, they were surpassed more than I could have imagined. If I went there looking for intimacy and depth, I left with that and much more. I learned about my inner self, about opening up my feelings and sharing them. 

I have much difficulty in opening up my heart and was helped by God to do this. The experience in which we wrote a letter to God was fantastic! To lead with passion is a very important part of our lives, and I understand that.

Moreover, the fellowship with the brothers was fantastic! I become emotional when I see so many brothers who are pastors seeking God with their hearts! I feel privileged to be a part of this story. I thank God that these teachings will be fundamental in my ministerial journey.  

I must now tell you again how much I appreciate the gathering, and I hope to continue the journey!

A big hug to you along with my thanks. May the Lord continue to bless your life and the lives of all those in the leadership of SARA.


Pastor Rafael Soares 
Carioca Presbyterian Church
March 2015

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”

Thank you for supporting this ministry that is changing lives!


J.C. Pezini 
Curitiba, Brazil

Read more about Pezini's ministry by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $8,000 per month for support and ministry funds for Pezini. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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