Namumu Orphanage Center - February 2015 Update

Siavonga, Zambia

The Outreach Foundation: Making a Difference at Namumu Orphanage Center

Dear Partners and Friends of Namumu Children, 

Christopher and Villarso at school

Christopher and Villarso at school

During my visit to Namumu Orphanage Center (NOC) in 2014, I was able to spend time with high school seniors Christopher Kasanda and Florence Chisangano who are fortunate to be staying in dorms at the newly renovated Siavonga High School (which includes a new dorm and dining hall facilities). Nancy Kwelele is in the 11th grade and is also in the boarding school. She was not available for me to see this time, but we visited with her last summer. These three gifted young people have been at NOC since 2005.  

Christopher is second in his class of 42 and wants to be a doctor. He is an outstanding young man who loves the Lord and has a caring heart. Florence is eighth in the class and wants to be a teacher. Nancy is a junior and is eighteenth in her class of 59. She wants to be a doctor. Florence and Nancy are both impressive young ladies.  However, not all of the students have had the success these three have had. Bibian is in her senior year, also, but she didn't score high enough to get a place in the new dorm. She continues in school but has to walk daily 45-50 minutes each way to attend classes. Please pray for these students and for others like them at Namumu who struggle to overcome tremendous obstacles to get an education. Plans are underway to try to help these young people continue their education and realize their dreams.

Malachi, an outstanding 2013 high school graduate of NOC, is a very gifted, winsome young man. He translated for me last year when I preached at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church during worship in Siavonga. He sings in two choirs and accompanies them on the keyboard. He is now attending Justo Mwale Theological University. Please pray for Malachi.

Siavonga High School

Siavonga High School

The Outreach Foundation has played the major role for nearly 14 years in raising support for Namumu. We thank God for all that has been accomplished through the faithful efforts, prayers and commitment of many Presbyterian congregations and individuals who have participated in the giving and caring so that many needy “little ones” in Zambia could be lovingly cared for, fed and educated at NOC. The majority of these children have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and are now following him as they mature and grow in their faith. Paul said to the church in Corinth, when they collected for the "needs" of the saints in Jerusalem, "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity and for the rendering of this ministry which not only supplies the needs of the saints (NOC children) but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God." II Corinthians 9:11-12.

The older children, especially, are very thankful to God and to The Outreach Foundation and all who have supported them for years and who were moved with compassion to reach out and help them. There are currently 53 children at NOC. Please continue to pray for all of these "little ones" and for Director Phanuel Simamba and the staff. 

To God be the glory!

Bill Warlick  

Travel with The Outreach Foundation to Zambia
Please consider joining us on a trip to Zambia to meet and visit with the children of Namumu Orphanage Center. Trip leaders will be Projects Coordinator Ebralie Mwizerwa and Southern Africa Mission Staff Bill Warlick. The trip will take place May 1-11, 2015. Please contact Lisa Dill at or (615) 778-8881 for more information.

Read more about the ministry of Namumu Orphanage Center by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise a minimum of $5,000 per month for the operation of Namumu Orphanage and $2,000 for skills training programs. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

The Outreach Foundation now offers the option of receiving missionary/project updates, newsletters, and receipts by e-mail. If you would like to sign up to start receiving these communications electronically, please send your name and e-mail address, along with that request, to or call us at (615) 778-8881.

The Outreach Foundation