Don and Martha Wehmeyer (Antioch Partners) - October 2015 Update

Mérida, Mexico

The Wehmeyers at the retreat center in Chablekal, Yucatán. Raul, Valerie’s husband is taking the picture. Constanza, 4, is on Kristen’s knee.

The Wehmeyers at the retreat center in Chablekal, Yucatán. Raul, Valerie’s husband is taking the picture. Constanza, 4, is on Kristen’s knee.

Greetings from Donald and Martha Wehmeyer,

Who would have guessed that September is now like a brown leaf falling off a tree? We have not written a newsletter in a couple of months, so there is a lot to bring up to date. We have made several trips to Yucatán to help with the retreat center there. They host many groups each weekend, so we are thankful for that.  Martha and I want to place our focus there when we return full-time to Mérida in January. Some improvements have been made to the little house where Valerie and Raul live – a tin roof was replaced by a cooler concrete roof and a couple of windows were put in for more light.

We are excited that three churches have signed up for mission trips in the winter and spring of 2016. They are planning to use the retreat center as their base and then use a van to go and help some of the local churches. In the past we have been able to serve up to ten groups a year, so if your church has not had a mission trip for a while – give us call! Also we are frequently asked, “Is there something to do besides mixing concrete?” I have no idea why people ask that, but the answer is yes. The evenings are perfect for Bible School programs, light maintenance in the churches, teaching English, and more.

The San Pablo Seminary is struggling with finances, and we ask for your prayers for the staff morale there. In order to save money they are not turning on as many lights and are cutting down on meals so the first semester this year has been bleak. I will teach a course in liturgy there starting in February. 

The security situation seems to have improved a little – or perhaps the press is not reporting all the drug related crimes as before. But I have only been able to sporadically check the online editions of the newspapers. What is very clear is that the peso has taken a huge hit with the fall of the price of oil. It has lost about 30% this year. This causes prices to rise, and inflation is always the cruelest tax on the poor.

We are very grateful for the hospitality of First Church Kannapolis and First Hendersonville, N.C. We had the honor of leading mission talks there in September. We took advantage of the trip to explore every single solitary quilt shop east of the Mississippi, but who’s counting? There were also a few miles of beautiful mountain trails and gorgeous weather, so we came back happy.

Please pray for us and all of The Antioch Partner’s mission team as we go on retreat in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Martha and I are going a week early to explore and then join all the partners from October 12 to 30. We are EXCITED about the trip and spending time with wonderful servants of God who are gathering from all over the world. 

One last inquiry: I have been working on a short book, about 50 pages, focused on Western values and natural law. The working title is Natural Law and the Purpose of Freedom. If you are willing to proofread it please let me know.

May the Lord of justice and mercy grant you every blessing. We are honored to be your representatives in Southern Mexico and the Hispanic population in Texas. We try to answer every email promptly so please write when you can.

Renata having a happy bath in a dish pan.

Renata having a happy bath in a dish pan.

In his name,

Donald and Martha Wehmeyer
Hispanic Ministry, The Antioch Partners
(512) 909-8957

Read more about the Wehmeyer's ministry by clicking HERE.

Amount needed in 2015

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise $1,700 per month in support of the Wehmeyers' ministry. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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