Todd and Maria Luke (Outreach) - April 2014 Update

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Dear Friends,

Cistern building season has arrived. During the next two weeks, our Presbyterian partners, both American and Mexican, will work with six families in the village of Polo Norte to build six cisterns. God willing, by July, we hope to have built twenty cisterns. Most of the families with whom we will labor together are not Presbyterian; so there will be ample opportunity for us to create with our hands, love with our kindness, and hopefully win their respect. Our cistern building foremen are men of faith with a casual and easygoing way of sharing their trust in the Lord. Aside from providing clean water, technical vocational training, and a taste of what can happen when a community works together, who knows what else might happen? 

During Holy Week, two of the cisterns we will build are funded by money raised by a teenage Girl Scout from Nevada. Very briefly, here’s how that happened: 

Thirty-five years ago, two couples became friends through fellowship in a suburban Chicago Presbyterian church. 
Thirty years ago, one of those couples moved to Las Vegas.   
Ten years ago, the Vegas couple visited Chicago and met up with some old church friends. Stories were shared over dinner. Experience with the cistern ministry in Mexico was one of them. The Vegas couple returned to Nevada and shared the story with their friends, some of whom were Rotarians. 
Eight years ago, nearly twenty cisterns were built with money raised by Las Vegas area Rotarians – several of whom traveled to Xpujil to help build – including that couple that used to live near Chicago.
One year ago, the teenage Nevadan Girl Scout was searching for project ideas to earn the Gold Award – the highest achievement in Girl Scouts. She learned of our ministry from the Vegas couple. After researching the matter, she concluded that it fit well with her interests and abilities.
Next week, after one full year of persistent work, she will be in Polo Norte with her father, working side by side with the families that will build the cisterns that she worked hard to fund. Truly, God works unexpectedly through relationships. Not much may happen for a long time. Suddenly, a spark is kindled (or rekindled), intentional actions are taken, work opportunities are created, and lives change. I pray the Lord continues to bless our conversations. May some lead to loving service in ministries both known and unknown across the globe.


Todd Luke

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Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise a minimum of $3,100 per month in support and ministry funds for the Luke's ministry. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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