Women's Ministries in Africa - February 2014 Update


Women's Ministries in Africa February 2014 update.jpg

Dear Friends,

We want to share with you some exciting news from Rev. Rose Marie Ibyishaka, Coordinator for Women and Families for the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda: 

Micro Enterprise for Women in Rwanda
The Outreach Foundation recently forwarded a gift designated for women’s empowerment in Rwanda. The Rev. Ibyishaka writes, “It was a gift from God to receive these funds, which allowed us to acquire two knitting machines for the women of Kamembe, who desperately needed some income to care for their families.” The women were taught how to use the machines and are now producing good, quality products. They have even been contracted to make school uniforms for a nearby high school, the Kamembe Presbyterian High School.

Another group of women in Mutuntu Parish, a very remote area where the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda has a congregation, decided to obtain goats. Goats are nicknamed “ATM machines” in Rwanda because they have babies several times a year, which are sold for income. The Mutuntu women decided to give the first born baby goat to a neighbor instead of selling it as a love offering and a way to show their gratitude to God.

As always, we value your partnership with us. Be assured that your investment in our partners is bearing fruit. We see your gifts making a huge difference in communities and in equipping our partners for the ministry of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Grateful for your partnership,

Ebralie Mwizerwa, Projects Coordinator

Read more about Women's Ministries in Africa by clicking here.

Amount needed in 2014

The Outreach Foundation seeks to raise at least $20,000 for training, conferences, retreats, and small income-generating projects for women in Africa. To make a donation, click the Donate Now link in the sidebar.

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