Iranians in Diaspora #3

If I’ve heard anything over the past few days of our visits with Iranian believers, it is that God is full of surprises. Not only does God surprise us as believers with great mercy, hope, healing and joy – God may visit us before we have encountered the good news of the Gospel, may enter our dark circumstances and shine His light of grace. These amazing people have encountered the God of surprises. For security reasons we cannot share names and pictures. I have chosen one picture to send that symbolizes the power of showing up to hear their stories and weep with them. There is magnificent power in such moments.

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Iranians in Diaspora #1

The cherry tea we drank tonight among Iranians in a small house church needed some sugar to become fully alive in its taste. This image was powerful for me in thinking about the story of Asafeh and Rambod, which we are sharing with you in this blog. Through Christ, the bitterness of their journey does not have the final word. Instead, their’s is a story made sweet by the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. A sweetness that shines in their hospitality, is heard through the beauty of their worship, and is expressed in their faithful work as part of SafeHouse.

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Ukrainians in Diaspora #6

When I was asked to be a part of this trip, I said “Yes” without question. Meeting war-affected Ukrainians sounded like the opportunity of a lifetime. I remember how excited my mom, Susan, and I were sitting in a hotel room in Washington when we heard the news that the trip was going to happen. I felt like this trip would change my life, but I didn’t know how much weight the trip would carry. Our team met so many amazing people whose stories we are sharing through these blogs. I would like to tell you Vlada’s story.

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Ukrainians in Diaspora #4

Spreading the gospel in Eastern Europe is like plowing through concrete. There are many reasons for this, some of which we have heard throughout our visit: communism and its atheistic and deterministic worldview of choice – naturalism; church traditions that emphasize ritual over discipleship; the church’s historical connections with power politics in the region; and a harsh pessimism within the culture that seems almost a birthright. It is no mystery that When Atlas Shrugged and

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Ukrainians in Diaspora #3

We think we have lost our homes, but in Jesus our home is always secure (Sermon on Sunday 6/13 by Pastor Saulius Karosas, City Church). Under normal circumstances such words would likely have passed almost unheard as predictable preaching. Yet, sitting in worship being interpreted in Russian, Ukrainian, and English while surrounded by grandmothers and mothers with eyes welling with tears, such words took on fresh meaning. “In my Father’s house there are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Our homes are destroyed, but Jesus has made a home for us with the Father that Putin can never destroy.

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Ukrainians in Diaspora #2

Little boy, adults’ eyes closed in prayer, weaves his four-year-old body through a hushed crowd toward the food table. The prize, a bowl of cherries, he hopes to pilfer before being found out. He wears a yellow shirt with blue lettering, “Life is Good.” And so it is – four-year-old little hands desiring nothing more than to be filled with snuck cherries, a room of laughter and prayer and safety – indeed, life is good.

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Ukrainians in Diaspora #1

Visiting Refugees in Diaspora in Lithuania

The Outreach Foundation’s team visiting relief partners for the Russian war in Ukraine arrived after several travel delays on Thursday, June 9. Our team consists of 15 wonderful individuals from across the U.S. including Jack Baca (The Outreach Foundation board chair), Tom and Joy Boone, Noura Eid, Jill Gilbert, Bill Goff, Spence Maners, Josh Montoya, Susan Montoya, Andrei Motta, Lisa Quinones, Matt Rejmaniak, Sam Waitt, Jim and Sheryl Wood.

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Pakistan #7 - Empowerment of Women

My last visit to Pakistan was in 2015. Seven years later I have returned. There have been numerous noteworthy experiences but one that has stood out was my visit to PMS (Pakistan Mission Society). This organization is on the move with many touchpoints. Most intriguing was the morning we spent with PMS on Saturday, March 26. It was here that I learned of the incredible work of this organization in lifting up the role of women in this country.

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Pakistan #6 - Another World

Though we’re not surprised by warm welcomes these days, our welcome to the first village, Mananwala, was especially memorable. A sizeable group of people met us as we exited the vehicle outside the village with drums, clarinet, and lots of happy folks. We processed with the music and villagers all the way into the village, where we stopped at their partially completed church building (walls, but no roof or floor).

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