Pakistan #4 - Happy Women's Day with the PEB

Jesus held up a woman as a model of faith to his disciples. Not only was she a woman, but she was a Canaanite woman, a “Gentile dog” as Jesus’ Jewish disciples thought of her. She was desperate for help for her daughter and took the risk to persistently shout through the crowd for Jesus’ attention and mercy to deliver her from the evil which controlled her family. Jesus did not send this persistent, noisy mother away, as his disciples told him to do, but engaged her in dialogue, listened to her, did as she asked (healing for her daughter), and publicly praised her in front of his disciples, saying, “Woman, great is your faith!”

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Pakistan #2 - Intricate Details and Overflowing Abundance

The Outreach Foundation team witnessed this during our day with the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB), Veda Gill and her incredible staff. Veda is remarkable. She is a faithful, bold follower of Christ. God placed a vision and mission on her heart many years ago and there is no force in this world that will turn her from her path. Veda leads PEB, a Christian non-profit organization serving the poorest of the poor for more than 150 years providing quality education to both Christians and Muslims with a special focus on building Christ-like character.

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Pakistan #1 - A Wonderful Reunion

We are having a wonderful reunion with friends after a too long hiatus for The Outreach Foundation to return to Pakistan. Our last visit was before 2016 when visas were denied, followed by COVID.

The Outreach Foundation team in Pakistan is a stellar group of seasoned intercultural veterans, whether it be in Pakistan or other parts of Asia. Tom Boone (Associate Director for Mission) leads the team and is accompanied by trustees Nancy Fox, Ed Hurley, and Berry and Elizabeth Long. We’re pleased to be joined by Rev. Walter Thompson and Karen Winkler from First Presbyterian in Midland, TX, on their first trip with The Outreach Foundation though they have much experience in Asia. Also, Mark Mueller (Executive Director) is here despite having already spent 11 days in Europe!

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Warsaw #2 - The Holy Wind

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (Jn 3:8). Such words describe well The Outreach Foundation’s experience of being led by the Spirit in Eastern Europe to address the imminent needs created by the war in Ukraine.

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Warsaw #1 - Showing Up

Today, as the day ends, I sit in a hotel room humbled by dinner with a group of women and two children, now refugees from Kyiv trying to get to Spain. It had been a long day already defined by Spirit-infused moments as wandered like Philip in Acts 8 not knowing where exactly he would end up.

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