Building Community

After a beautiful drive through the hills of Rwanda, we arrived at the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS). Originally founded by the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda to teach theology, it is now owned and managed by six Protestant denominations and offers a variety of degree programs. Vice Chancellor Rev. Prof. Elisee Musemakweli and Deputy Vice Chancellor Rev. Prof. Viateur Ndikumana were our hosts for the day. We toured the campus and learned about the history, vision, programs, future plans, and current challenges of the institution. 

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The Outreach Foundation
Mystic Sweet Communion

Louise Westfall distributes communion to the women at the 2015 evangelical women's conference, a gathering of Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese and American Presbyterians in Dhour Chouier, Lebanon.

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A good time is had by all

Where two or three are gathered together in the name of Lord, there he is in their midst. Now expand that circle to include 100 women from Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and the U.S. Is there room for him there in that circle? Indeed! 

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