Wednesday, July 1: Another Day's Journey

by Quinn Harkless

It’s another day’s journey, and I’m glad about it. Today began with a devotional from Proverbs 4:7 which expresses that in all our getting we should get understanding. This devotional was intended to stress the deeper understanding of God’s purpose for having us all together at this time on this trip. Before we left Ningbo today we made four stops, the most we’ve made in a day. 

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Tuesday, June 30: A Visit to Jiangsu Provincial Seminary

by Rob Weingartner

On Tuesday we began the day with a visit to the Jiangsu Provincial Seminary where we were welcomed by vice-president Rev. Fan Jingfang and other members of the faculty and staff. The school, founded in 1998, currently has 300 students in a four-year bachelor’s program that provides theological education and practical ministry training. The Outreach Foundation has had a relationship with the school for many years.

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Monday, June 29: Printing Bibles and Studying Them

by Matt Scott

We went to the Nanjing Amity Printing Company this morning and were given a warm greeting and tour by their staff. The equipment was very high tech from various countries, obtained in order to manufacture Bibles for use in China and across the world. Amity Press is now the largest Bible printing company in the world. As of last month, 135 million Bibles have come off their production lines. After the tour, we had lunch with our guides and headed to the Nanjing Seminary

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Sunday, June 28: Worship and More

by Vance Whippo

We have traveled far and been graced by our Christian brothers and sisters, preparing the way for us to learn and grow. Today, Sunday the 28th of June, we worshiped with the Christians of Nanjing. Though the language was different the meaning was the same: our Lord and Savior died for us that we might have a place in God’s house.

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China Seminarians Study Tour

My colleague Dr. Peter Lim has put all the details in place. Now, we await our group comprised chiefly of students from Fuller Theological Seminary. Instead of arriving in Beijing as a group, due to the challenges of air travel they are coming in on three different flights. It will be good to be together.

Along with some steeping in Chinese history and culture, our study tour will focus on the training ministries of the China Christian Church. We look forward to rich times of sharing faith and mutual encouragement with church leaders, pastors and seminarians. Our journey will take us from Beijing to Xi’an, Nanjing, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Shanghai.

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June 14 - A Day of Worship and Wonder

We awakened this Sabbath day to electricity and great expectations. Zobue Motel management placed a bucket of hot water in the hallway so we could take sponge baths. After a breakfast of fried eggs, bread and French fries, we headed out to three different churches to worship, completely unaware of the special blessing we would receive. Donovan Drake, Berry Long, and Tom Widmer were asked to preach in the three different churches. 

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June 13 - More New Friends

We checked out of Tete City and headed back toward the Malawi border. Our first stop was at the Kapirzanji Church. Although not far off the road, the pathway to the church was quite narrow and rutty. But we emerged upon the church, again greeted by our enthusiastic friends and their beautiful, melodic singing. They led us into the church, singing and dancing joyfully to the Lord. You could feel the Holy Spirit entering with us! Inside, more dancing and singing and praising. It's easy to forget they are speaking a different language as we come together as one.

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June 12 - Dance Fever and Too Much to Eat!

We have been without text and WiFi since Friday, so please excuse our silence. But, it's been a great trip, and we've been blessed the people we've met. Here's a recap of Friday:

Friday, June 12 – We arrived in Tete City last night right after dark. We awoke to a beautiful sun-filled morning. Our (first) breakfast was at the hotel. We then went to the Chimadzi Church – the first church built by The Outreach Foundation in 1987. The congregation greeted us with singing and dancing as we drove up to the church. Once inside the elders led a very organized program of singing, welcome, introductions and Bible reading. We concluded the more formal portion with more singing and dancing. It began with our hosts doing the singing and dancing. But before long our team joined in as well! It was a very special time with our new friends! 

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