Cuba #4: We Saw Jesus

We Saw Jesus

By Deena Candler, Outreach Trustee

Today we made visits to two churches in the Central Presbytery of Cuba. And we saw Jesus.

We really did see Jesus at the Presbyterian Church in Remedios which is pastored by Rev. Jesus Rodriguez. (Wouldn’t you like to have Jesus as the pastor of your church?) He is a wonderful pastor who is quite bold in his pronouncements. But we saw Jesus in more than him. Both at the Church in Remedios, and also in the Presbyterian Church in Placetas that is led by Anier Gonzalez, who is soon to be ordained. In both of these churches, we met with members of the Session as well as the pastor and heard about the ministries of their churches. There were many similarities between them that coincide with other ministries we have heard about on this trip.

Both of these churches as well as many others we have visited have very strong lay leadership. The elders take their calling seriously. There have been times in which there has not been a resident pastor…and yet, not only has ministry continued, new mission initiatives have begun.

In Matthew 25:35-36 Jesus says “I was hungry and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me…”

We saw Jesus in the ministries of both of these churches and in so many others as they serve in very difficult times. Like so many other churches, they, too have feeding programs for the hungry…especially the elderly. The Placetas Church had a breakfast program for the elderly five days a week. Sadly, because of the current scarcity of food and the skyrocketing prices, they have had to cut back to three days a week. The Remedios Church also has such a ministry. Both are involved with sewing programs to clothe those in need. Both welcome people in, with programs for seniors and youth. And both have strong ministries of visitation for those who are infirm and not able to attend church on their own.

Oh we saw Jesus…in Pastor Jesus, in soon to be pastor Anier, and in the people who are feeding those who literally have nothing to eat, in those who are sewing to clothe those in need, in those who are visiting those who are too infirm to leave their homes and are lonely. We saw Him in so many elders and other volunteers who are faithfully stepping out to serve those in need.