Türkiye (Turkey) #3: In my prison cell, Jesus was there

Day 3: In my prison cell, Jesus was there

By Murray Gossett, First Presbyterian Church, Amarillo, TX

I am having a terrific experience with The Outreach Foundation’s immersive visit to Turkey. I have joined Tom Boone, Guy Griffith, Toby Mueller, William Pender, and Sasan Tavassoli. Together we are being immersed in what it is like to follow Christ in Iran today. We have heard a number of testimonies of how people came to understand the grace of Jesus Christ. Sasan, William, and Guy have taught on various biblical topics. Tomorrow we will hear from Toby.

A personal highlight of this visit occurred today in listening to three sisters describe how Christ reached them. These three sisters are leaders in the church working from outside their country. Sitting on a couch in front of us, one of the sisters (A., whom we have mentioned before) translated for the other two. Besides what they shared, it was amazing to think how these three sisters were sitting together in this space having grown up as Muslims and telling their story of knowing Christ to a Texan! Go figure, only the gospel of Jesus Christ could draw these unconnected paths into One!

One of the sisters has been a God-seeker from her youth, wanting only to know God more and more though as a faithful Muslim. However, it was not until she watched a video about the life and death of Jesus that she experienced true joy and peace. Immediately, she began sharing her newfound love for the Lord with others. She would be active on prayer boards, meet with people in parks and at pools. She helped small underground churches flourish.

Not surprisingly, the police learned of her activity and in 2013 arrested her. She shared that like the Apostle Paul God showed up in that prison facility, especially for her. Her fear was front and center for her life until she went into her cell and saw a cross engraved on a wall. I am not alone. There have been other Christians here. Jesus is here with me. When her bail was posted, she left the prison and her family helped her to leave the country immediately. It was a very sad evening but now she continues her ministry among Iranians from afar.

Another sister came to know Christ in Iran through her Armenian boss! At that moment, she experienced that God works counter-culturally! The backstory to this lesson is that one day she fainted and her boss prayed for her in Arabic. She told him about the Persian language Bible and he insisted on receiving one. Reading God’s Word caused him to give his life to Christ. Our team is hearing this type of story often.

After giving over her life to Jesus, her family noticed a significant change in her personality and way of living. We laughed a bit. Well, I wouldn’t say I was a bad girl, but people noticed. She, too, was arrested along with her sister and was permitted to leave after posting bail. Even though she lives away from her home city. Her assessment – God is up to something incredible!

Today these sisters are leaders in the home church network (25 churches) hosting our visit and as humble as you might ever meet. We celebrated their work and their response spoke loudly. The eldest said This is not our work, it belongs to God and He is Lord of it. We are just happy to be included. Amen sister.