Faithful Women on the Road: Lebanon

by Marilyn Borst, The Outreach Foundation's Associate Director for Partnership Development

I have returned to Lebanon for the 30th time and will soon be joined by a team of three women from Virginia, Nebraska and Washington, D.C! In the days ahead, we will meet with partners whose ministries with refugees from Syria are bringing hope and healing in Christ’s name. Grateful that Julie Burgess will return along with two wonderful "new women": Sheryl Wood and Evangeline Paschal. Late on Sunday, we will head to the Women's Conference at Dhour Shweir, sponsored by the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon. We will be gathered, once again, for a week with 100+ sisters from the Presbyterian churches of Syria and Lebanon. Much time will be spent in study and worship around God's timeless Word, a craft project that paints “small houses of hope” and hours of fellowship with our friends, old and new. As these pictures from last year reveal, there will be a whole-lotta love and joy goin' on! SO grateful to Rev. Najla Kassab for inviting The Outreach Foundation to return! And thanks to all of you for joining us on this journey…