God's Work in Moassat

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his courts with singing.” Psalm 100:1

Women praying at their weekly women's meeting

Today a small group of us had the opportunity to visit a new church development project in Moassat, Egypt. While it was my second time visiting the church, this time, I was struck by the piles of garbage, the small fires burning garbage, the people working to sort the garbage, and the overwhelming smell of garbage. As we got closer to the church, Reverend Ekram, the pastor in Moassat, turned around and asked me how I felt. I didn’t have words to respond.

And then we arrived, and as we piled out of the van, the garbage-filled streets were filled with the sound of music, beautiful music. You see, inside this church almost one hundred women and children were gathered for their weekly meeting, a time of worship and testimony. 

The chorus was simple, “the Lord is my God,” yet the sound overwhelming. In a place where, from outward appearances, there seemed to be little hope, the good news and the joy of Lord filled the streets. 

Even more, I stood in awe of God’s work in that place, as unlikely as it may seem. Eleven months ago when I visited for the first time, we got to peer next door and see the foundation and the very beginnings of a church building. And we got to hear of a dream of a larger worship space and an official church building. 

Completed shell of the Moassat church building

Today, we got to see and explore the completed shell of the building. They are still awaiting funds to finish the floor and electrical work but hope to move into their new, and much larger space, in time for Christmas. 

It is clear that God is up to something in the Moassat community. And perhaps the music-filled streets are just the beginning, for God’s plan are bigger than anything we could ever ask or imagine. Thanks be to God. 

Rev. Kimmy Stokesbary
Clairmont Presbyterian Church
Decatur, Georgia