Remembering Pastor Eugene Rubanda

Day Six
October 26, 2015

Rob greeting PCR colleague

We started out today with a quick breakfast together and off in the cars to attend prayer time and a meeting with the Protestant Counsel of Rwanda (PCR). The PCR is a group made up of leaders from different church denominations such as Anglican Church, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Salvation Army Church. We shared with their devotional and prayer time. After each of them (20 members present) did introductions, we shared a cup of tea together. During this time, they gave some history of the PCR and then shared with us a presentation of their programs for providing a common Sunday School curriculum for all churches of different denominations that belong to the counsel. Very impressive. U.S. churches could definitely learn from this program! 

Afterwards, we returned to the Presbytery Church located beside where we are staying in their guest house. We attended a funeral for Pastor Eugene Rubanda who recently passed away. Pastor Eugene was a well-respected pastor of this Presbytery for many years so there was a very large attendance at the funeral. Many of the Presbytery leaders spoke, and our own Pastor Rob of The Outreach Foundation did a scripture reading. We had a later lunch time together after the funeral and took a walk into town for some shopping. Tonight after dinner, we closed our day with reflection and devotional. We finished the evening looking at the almost full moon and knowing it is heading your way!

Enjoy and Blessings to All,
Ken Cornelison 

The Outreach Foundation