Monday: About our Hosts, Nedson and Sebber

Greetings to all!  We are back in Blantyre now.  We enjoyed nice, hot showers, then went to Nedson's house to treasure a few minutes on the internet. Nedson, Sarah (his wife), and Sebber are continuing to minister to us in so many ways. We'd like to share some perspectives about our hosts, coming from the team that has been served by them.  Here are some collective opinions:

  • "We are all so impressed with the humble authority that Nedson and Sebber have because of their love for the people. Their good works are obvious in the way the people listen to them and respond to them."

  • "Sebber is just a phenomenal woman. Every time we get an appreciation for what she does, she does something else to make us appreciate her even more. We were at a church and the people were joyously singing and dancing, but as soon as Sebber got up to speak, you could hear a pin drop."

  • "Nedson and Sebber are so effective in building relationship and gaining trust. Nedson is joyful, lighthearted and smiles so easily. It helps him make friends with the people and builds up their church. His people skills are off the chart. He is discerning and disarming."

Nedson and Sebber are so patient with us. We really appreciate that they are so willing to take such good care of us without complaint.   They are such wonderful servant-leaders. We have learned so much from them and we treasure our growing friendship with them.   When we think of them, we can't help but be reminded of Philemon 1:7:  "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people."


