Sunday: A Wonderful Day of Worship

We divided into three teams today for worship.  One team worshiped here in Zobue in a more urban church.  The second team drove into the rural area to a small, very poor church in Chimphako.  The third team drove further out into the country to Mpulu, a church that is bursting at the seams.  The choirs were all wonderful, singing and dancing with great spirit and harmony.  We joined in where we could and at the end of the day felt that we had a wonderful spirit-filled worship experience. The following are some thoughts about today's worship derived from tonight's group discussion at Pastor Carlos' home and our later gathering outside the Zobue Motel:

  • "We wish we could take away the time constraints in our worship services. If only we could just be there worshiping together with joy and passion for our Lord with no regard for time."

  • "How wonderful it would be if we really engaged in the service the way fans do at a football game! Talk about spirit filled!"

  • "We would love it if the "frozen chosen" could thaw out a bit with some lively, passionate singing and dancing. What would our fellow congregants think if we danced up the aisle joyfully giving the best that we have for the offering?"

Maybe that's a bit much for many in our pews.  But it would  be a worthy goal to be ourselves at worship and then carry forth that good Christlike behavior into the serve and give without regard for ourselves, only thinking of others and our Lord.

In HIs name, The Outreach Tete Team

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