Friday: Visiting Joyful Churches and Friends


Another long day on roads that aren't roads...just footpaths, to visit two churches. We hear over and over how grateful they are that we have come to visit, that they did not think we would come and that they are so encouraged by our presence. 

The first church, Bitilinhu, had beaten back the tall grass and bushes along the path for a long way out so that our vehicles could get through. When Pastor Bob Jacobs thanked them in his greeting for this service of Christian love to us, he voiced the hope that not only would it be a wider road for us but that it would also be an avenue by which they could welcome newcomers so they could come to know Jesus Christ. 

Bitilinhu is a "new church development"... built with upright poles and a canopy of thatch. The congregation had also carried many buckets of water to wet the floor so that it would not be dusty for us...hard, time-consuming work to welcome their visitors. And we did feel so welcomed!

The second church, Nkhumbwa, had spawned the first church. They, too, gave us an enthusiastic welcome. The head elder there told us that they "welcomed us with both hands." We interviewed an elder who had received skills training in tailoring. We were impressed to hear how he used these skills in service to Christ. He had trained two others to be tailors as well and he often made clothing for folks who were unable to pay him at the time. 


Everywhere we go, the people praise Nedson and Sebber. As one elder put it, "Whoever  chose them did a good job." Praise be to God for these two wonderful servant leaders who are able to connect to these folks in such a powerful way. Alleluia!! Amen!!

Blessings from the Mozambique Team