Wednesday in Mozambique: One Team Departs, Another Arrives

Moz team 2 2013

We were sad to let our first team go today.  We are praying that they are safely on their way home somewhere between Johannesburg and Washington, DC.  Our new team came in on the same plane that the others departed on, and we were very glad to see them, joyous in fact.  Here is a photo of our group now.

Tomorrow we leave early for a more remote part of Tete Province, if that is even possible!  We will be headed for Mutarara District, which is on the Zambezi River and is prone to flooding.  Please pray that the roads will be passable and that we weill be able to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ at their churches in outlying villages.  If not, the people will walk to meet us even though it is a long, long way and they would have to cross through streams.  They will not miss the chance to see visitors who have come from so far away to see them.  They will be a blessing to us, and we pray that we will be a blessing to them.

Blessings and thank you for your prayers, Berry Long for the Mozambique Team