Day 7: Joyful Worship in Tete Province

Our team split up today to worship in three different churches.  Due to technical difficulties from the rural areas, we have included highlights from just two services in this blog. Kaphinimbule-- Our worship today was unlike anything we could have imagined or have ever experienced.  And our future worship services will never be the same.  We were met on the road by two congregations dancing and singing as they greeted us in Christ's name.  The service was long, but the enthusiasm and joy of the people was endless.  Many voices joined together for many emotional songs, scripture was read, and the offering was given as an outpouring of their hearts.

The moment that will stay with me forever was the gift presented to us at the end of the service.  The singing and dancing began again, and the room divided to allow those bearing gifts access to us visitors.  One by one, they danced their way toward us with enormous bowls of bananas and sweet potatoes, huge stalks of sugar cane, a few eggs, and to our surprise, a chicken AND a guinea hen!  More than one of us stood with tears in our eyes, overwhelmed at the tremendous generosity of these joyous people, in whom the love of Jesus Christ shines.


Tchessa--  As we approached the church at Tchessa this morning, we could hear the distant singing.  We were greeted enthusiastically with a handshake and a smile by every person--  man, woman and child.  We danced down the aisle where we sat on cement pews for two and a half hours.

We were humbled by the joyous sound of their strong voices as we heard hymn after hymn.  The women's choir members, with babies on their backs, sang and moved so gracefully at the front of the church.  While the men's choir was smaller in number, they were mighty in voice.

Thomas McDow preached about Nicodemus and shared that "we too need to seek to know Jesus more."  After Nicodemus became a follower, his life was changed forever.  He never hid his faith in Jesus again.  We too need to live boldly and openly for Christ.

When it came time for the offering, the plate was not just passed down the pews.  Instead, we joined the congregation joyfully singing and dancing to place our financial gifts in the offering basket.

As we sang the final song, we realized that Amazing Grace sounds the same in every language.

"Shout for joy to the lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs."  Psalm 100:1-2

Blessings from the Mozambique Trip Team

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