Saturday in Beirut: A Day of Lebanese Culture


We had a great Saturday beimg tourists. We visited the National Museum, the Hariri Mosque (above) named after Labanon's slain prime minister, and St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, dating from the mid 1700's.  We also saw Roman ruins and attended a two hour Christian high school graduation ceremony (in Arabic) that ended with quite a fireworks display!  They didn't do that at Brownfield (TX) High School.

The most memorable place we visited today was the museum. As I looked at all of the very, very old artifacts, jewelry and sculptures, it dawned on me how old everything is here and the tiny breadth of time we have here on earth compared to God's timeline. This led me to think about what awaits all believers when our short time on earth is over. Psalm 84 says that one day in his courts is better than 1,000 of the best experiences, vacations we've ever had. Wow! I can't wait, knowing that each day moves us closer to being with the King of kings and Lord of lords--  forever. Come Lord Jesus.

Contributed by Mark Nall, Elder, Highland Park Presbyterian Church