In Moscow

Our group of 8 Faithful Women visited the Cathedral of Christ our Savior here in Moscow yesterday. In many ways, it encapsulates the story of the Church during the dark days of Stalin. Built in the early 1800s to celebrate the victory of the Russians in withstanding Napoleon's invasion, it was targeted by Stalin to send a message about his "new religion" of communism. In 1931, he had the building imploded so that he could erect a new communist headquarters.  The faithful combed through the rubble, rescuing bits of sacred art.  Lo and behold, the spongy soil would not support the foundations needed for Stalin's building, so the project was abandoned. Within the past 20 years, the church has been rebuilt, confirming that Christ WILL build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it...

Faithful women in Moscow

Marilyn for the Faithful Women in Russia Team