Mozambique Postings for Sunday and Monday: Much to Share

Dear Mozambique/Tete Province friends, We have been busy in our work and also in our journaling.  We did not have access to a wifi until today, which explains why you didn't hear from us on Sunday.  We feel your prayers with us as we are all safe and without sickness.  Thank you for holding us up in your prayers.  Today we are in Malawi again and dining with Sebber, who is so gracious!  After our week of travel and dust she dropped us off at the hotel, saw that we were settled, then came home and prepared a full meal for us.  The hospitality here shines, as does the glory of the Lord through the Christians here.

The journals you will read today are from Sunday's and today's visits. On Sunday we divided into three groups and three of us preached (Tom B., Berry, and Cesar).  Elizabeth Long and Tom McDow have provided their insights from the day. Our words will not capture the spirit of the day nor the Spirit Who was present through their songs, offerings, and joy.

Click Here for Sunday's Journal:  Mozambique Journal May 6 Click Here for Today's Journal:  Mozambique Journal May 7

Tom Boone wrote today's missive, which focuses on the basic and advanced training of elders. This training is the lynchpin for the entire holistic ministry, and it was good to understand how comprehensive it is.  The  Holy Spirit is using the church in remarkable ways through the trained leadership, not only for the church herself but for for well-being, health, and economy of the communities in which the churches are nested.

Tomorrow we will have an off day after meeting the General Secretary of the Synod here.  On Wednesday we will leave for home, heartened by what we have seen and eager to be with our loved ones again.

Blessings to all, Tom for the Mozambique Team