Mozambique, 2012: Our Journey Begins!

Dear supporters of The Outreach Foundation's holistic mission experience, Thank you for being a stakeholder in Jesus' work among the nations! We are carrying you with us and will bring back to you the privilege of relationships and faith deepened by the bridges the Holy Spirit will build.

Before we set off on Monday out of Dulles, the team wanted to let you know a bit about our preparation efforts and who we are. We have been reading Cindy Judge's booklet, "Before You Pack Your Bag, Prepare Your Heart." This has been a wonderful 12 lesson devotional guide helping to facilitate our heart preparation. We have also been preparing physically by packing birthing kits, medical supplies, school needs, soccer balls, Proclaimers, and getting some significant gifts ready to transform dreams of water wells and a church roof into reality. In the last moment, some of us need to remember to pack our own luggage!

We are looking forward to being warmly greeted by Rev Nedson Zulu, Sebber Banda, several evangelists, elders, and church members throughout Tete Province, Mozambique on our short trip. We will return with hearts refreshed, faith restored, bodies tired, and challenges abounding to present to you. So prepare your hearts to receive words when we return!

Please keep the team in your prayers daily. Here we are from left to right top row: Elizabeth and Berry Long, Betsy Hunt, Tom McDow,  and Becca Phillips.  Bottom row:  Becky Bros, Tom Boone. and Cesar Anunciacao.

The Mozambique Team, April 2012

I leave you with a well known scripture from the most robust evangelist of all time, Paul, who wrote to the Colossians "We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints' inheritance in the light." Amen, Lord, let this be so for each of us!

Next milestone: Dulles to Blantyre via Johannesburg, departing Dulles at 5:40 PM, Monday April 30 and arriving in Blantyre, Malawi at 12:10 PM, Wednesday, May 2.

 Tom Boone for the Mozambique Team