Posts in Asia
A Call For Prayer in Pakistan

Friends of Pakistan, on Saturday, May 25 The Outreach Foundation received word of a wave of violence against Christians in Sargodha, Pakistan. Sargodha has a population of nearly 700,000 and is north of Faisalabad in an area that has increasingly experienced violence by radicalized Muslims. The current situation is yet another example of a mob’s misapplication of “blasphemy laws” in Pakistan. A recent article gave some explanation for those unfamiliar with the situation.

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Fueling Christ's Mission in China!

ECO congregations are fueling Christ’s mission in China! The Outreach Foundation is pleased to introduce Chris Bin Wang as our China Mission Specialist. When asked about his excitement for joining our team, Chris said that “The Outreach Foundation has been a friend to Chinese Christians for decades. I’m honored to be part of this amazing legacy!” With Chris on staff, we are excited about our expanding ministry in China and for the emerging opportunities that will excite churches here in the United States. Tom Boone, Associate Director for Mission with The Outreach Foundation and Chris Bin Wang will be co-leading a visioning trip from October 11-23, 2024. Individuals and churches are invited to travel with us as we see the tremendous work of the Gospel taking place in China. What we offer in this season is to show you just how vast the harvest in China and the diaspora has become. Make their story part of your own!

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Loving God and the Bible with Chinese Leaders

by Juan Sarmiento

In his youth the Rev. Shan Wei-Xiang was the pastor of a typical Chinese congregation during those years: One that owned no Bibles. In fact, since the only copy of the Scriptures in town was found in the library, the congregation had agreed that nobody else but him would check the Bible out each week from the local library and they would help him write down by hand copies of the passage from which Pastor Shan would preach to have it distributed among the people. 

Things have changed significantly in recent decades but Rev. Shan’s commitment to sharing God’s message remains strong. He now heads a program of the Church in China that is responsible for the distribution of the Bible inside China. Since the late 1980s, tens of millions of Bibles have been distributed inside China as the church has tried to keep up with the growth of disciples of Christ. The most conservative estimate of the number of Protestant Christians in China is 46 million, up from less than one million in 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China began. 

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