Ethiopia Partnership Appeal

Western Gambella Bethel Synod Pastors Conference

One of our core priorities at The Outreach Foundation is investing in the capacity of the global church through efforts to strengthen church leadership by providing theological training and helping equip conferences put on by our global mission partners. Our friends at the Western Gambella Bethel Synod in Ethiopia are planning to host a conference that will do just this for 128 active pastors in their synod.

This conference aims to strengthen the spiritual formation of active pastors and enhance their theological understanding of their roles as pastors and their engagement with the mission of Jesus Christ. The conference will address key theological challenges such as polygamy, cultic influence, an inadequate understanding of the role of the pastors in the local church, and how to lead their congregations to engage in mission and evangelism more effectively. The conference is being facilitated by the Department of Mission and Theology of West Gambella Bethel Synod, one of our core Presbyterian partners through our Ethiopia Partnership.

Most of the ordained ministers from the West Gambella Bethel Synod will attend these trainings and theological discussions. Many of these pastors live in remote rural villages, receiving only a little theological training and no income from their churches. The synod feels called to bring these pastors together for the five-day equipping conference. However, most of these pastors cannot afford the transportation to and accommodations in Gambella.

The synod leaders reached out to us for help in bringing this key event together. Would you please consider giving a special gift to help fund this training for our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia? This is a special opportunity to make a difference in the health of the pastors and the churches they serve across Ethiopia. Because of your faithful generosity, we can provide our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa a way forward.


The Outreach Foundation seeks prayers and gifts for our Ethiopia Partnership. All gifts of any size are welcomed to make this pastors’ conference a reality! You may make a gift by sending a check to The Outreach Foundation designated “Ethiopia Partnership” or by clicking the link below and designating “Ethiopia Partnership.”