Mission Devotional Day 26

Because of your sharing in the gospel

Mission Devotional Day 26

READ: Philippians 1:1-6

Sometimes we forget that each of Paul’s letters was written to a church on the mission field. Paul writes then to remind them of their calling and to encourage them to be faithful witnesses. One thing that Paul makes clear is that the Christians’ life together becomes their first act of witness to the world. That is what Leslie Newbigin has in mind when he talks about the church being the hermeneutic of the gospel.

In this letter, Paul identifies three components of engagement in God’s mission: the pattern is comprised of prayer, partnership, and promise.

Paul begins his letters by reminding the believers that he is praying for them. He asks them to pray for him, that doors will be open for the gospel. Secondly, he gives things for their partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. The word that he uses, “partnership,” could also be translated as communion or fellowship. Paul is not describing a business relationship but their deep connection in Christ. Finally, Paul is confident that God’s will shall be accomplished, not because Paul himself is so great or because the Philippians are so great, but because God who has begun a good work in them has promised to bring all things to completion.


Do you enjoy a special partnership with someone in the life of faith and God’s mission? What characterizes your relationship?


Dear God, as Paul longed and worked for the unity of the church, help me to see how I can contribute towards relationships that bring glory and honor to you. Amen.