Mission Devotional Day 2

In you all the peoples will be blessed

Mission Devotional Day 2

READ: Genesis 12:1-3

What an amazing call God sets before Abram! What promises! Abram is to take his family to a place he knows not where – but God will show him the place. Abram and his family will become a great nation, a people who are in a special relationship with God. Yet this blessing is not something that is only for the sake of Abram and his tribe. God makes it clear that in (or through) Abram all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Perhaps you can remember a time when you had a clear sense of calling from God without a clear sense of direction, a conviction that it was time to act but you were not sure what to do, time to make a change but you were not sure where to go.

We can discern some principles from Abram’s story that will guide us as we seek to follow the Lord. In the first place, God will lead us in ways that deepen our dependence upon him. God does not lead us in ways that make us less reliant upon him. Secondly, God’s blessings are always to be shared. We are blessed to be a blessing.

I love the first sentence in Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life.” He writes, “It is not about you.” Just so, as we seek to live for God in this broken world, God’s blessings are not to be held close and hoarded. We are to have a heart for all the peoples of the world and to seek to bless others freely.


Can you think of a time when you had a sense that God was calling you to something new, but you were not sure what it was? Is God calling you to something new now?

How might God want to work through you to be a blessing to others?


Dear Lord, thank you for inviting me into your work of blessing. Forgive me when I get stuck focusing on myself and miss how you desire to work through me for your glory and the blessing of others. Amen.