Mission Devotional Day 13

The word became flesh

Mission Devotional Day 13

READ: John 1:1-18

Matthew begins his gospel with a genealogy. Mark begins with the ministry of John the Baptist. Luke begins his gospel with a dedication to Theophilus. John begins in eternity – “in the beginning.” His soaring theology is reflected in the traditional symbol for John, the eagle. But it doesn’t take long for John, as the other gospel writers do, to ground his telling of the gospel story in history. He writes in verse 14: “And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” The Greek text could be translated “tabernacled” or “pitched his tent.” I love how Eugene Petersen renders this text: “And the Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.”

The doctrine that is informed by and shaped in this verse is the Incarnation.

Authentic mission is incarnational. The church is called to be a provisional demonstration of the kingdom of God, standing amidst the death and decay of the world as an alternate reality. We are called to witness to the reality of God’s love revealed in Christ Jesus who took on flesh and moved into this world. The church bears witness by means of the church’s own transformed life, its proclamation of the gospel, and its demonstration of the gospel as it plunges into the realities of a broken creation. Such an incarnational witness has both personal and social implications. The gospel is about the new life that comes to individuals as they place their faith in Jesus Christ. It offers authentic hope for the age to come. It is also about the work of God’s covenant community as they serve others in Christ in this age, seeking to promote social righteousness.


Verse 12 affirms that “to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.” To fulfill this promise, why was it necessary that the word became flesh?

Is there a correlation between John the baptizer’s role and our own role? How would you describe it?


Thank you for the gift of your son, the true light. We have received from him grace upon grace. He has made you known and welcomed us into your family. May the lives we live reflect your grace to all. Amen.